This one horrific incident perfectly captures the "theme" of the entire conflict. Bravado with immeasurably superior firepower and normalizing the genocide.
I'm not an economist, but what I have seen is the decline in the value of Sterling since Brexit as well of the downgrading of the UK credit rating. Even if we adopt the Euro, the value of the same goods will still vary between different countries. However, the same silly arguments will arise again saying that the is EU taking over.
Agree completely. The old arrangements were compromises to get the original deal dome. That was half a century ago and a lot has changed.
Mr Musky Smell, like Mr Trumpet is possibly too big to allow to be allowed to fail.
Mr Musky Smell upset by opposing views that he's managed to block on his dimming social network
The stock has a certain Musky smell
Did god not say anything about the poor, the homeless, the people suffering, or possibly anything about black Americans needing to be treated fairly? I am starting to get suspicious that God, the omnipotent entity with reign of the entire universe, was so very specific about a single nations electoral system.
IF the UK rejoins the EU at any time in the future, we will certainly never have the preferential terms and disproportionate power that we'd originally had. Defacto not as good as a deal. However, STILL much better to be part of the EU than to be circling the drain as we are right now.
Dear Israel, we have these shiny new weapons that we can sell to you. If we ignore that you use them to blow up civilians, I've got to gently hint that you should, perhaps consider, but only if you feel like it, reviewing your war strategy.
He'll not be making claims of there being weapons of mass destruction then???????
That bullsh1t resulted in the deaths of innocent people by the thousands.
Cannot watch him now. For me he has even tainted my fun recollection of his early stuff that I'd liked.
This "news" only really serves as justification for the blowing up of hospitals and civilians