Could be all kinds of people, right wing shit exists everywhere but it's especially on the rise in Germany rn with the right extreme party (AFD) growing rapitly in polls and the "conservative" party CDU leaning heavily to the right since they lost power.
Let's just hope people will forget that shithole before they can get nostalgic!
The lower picture is missing a conferderate flag next to the fat idiot, that would definitely be there in my head!
For me as outsider they look even more desturbing, it's about a kids show and they dress up really fucking weard but I guess it could be a unfair assumption for om my side too, kinks are always kind of weard!
Damn, no clue how to solve that one but please just don't flash a ROM till you are certain it is for your phone because it could brick! :/
Damn, I can be stupid somethimes!
Joe Rogan left the chat
I have seen people claim that there are infected copies all over the internet, not sure if it's true but please be careful and make sure to use something like Virustotal and Malwarebytes if you aren't sure!
Damn, I can feel my brain melting!
I have seen someone claim that the Bitcoin address leads to the admins too, is that true or just made up bs? Ether way it doesn't seem like they had any intention to get rid of that guy so I would be very careful next time you download something from there!
We need a Nitter bot like that Piped one to give proper links!
No, I get that shit from Google ads from time to time too, Google just doesn't moderate advertisers at all! :/