I used Infinity for Reddit and it's a different developer doing Infinity for Lemmy but still just as awesome of a experience! If you search a good open source Lemmy client you basically have to check it out! Btw IzzyOnDroid is about to add it to his repo so F-Droid will be a opetion to install it very soon! ;)
It's actually the other way around historically speaking, more DRM and locking down causes people to care less. The latest Darknet Diaries episode is about Team Xecuter, I think you would really enjoy that one! ;)
I just installed the app and I know it's a pre-release but it really doesn't feel like one to me, all the basic functionality seems to be here and I enjoy it more than all the other clients I tried recwntly already! :)
In addition to reduced performance Denuvo is very invasive regarding your operating system so it could be a potential way to hack your system too!
It's probably unlikely to happwn soon but in that case the only right answer is piracy once they found a way around this shit again!
American cat?
Legidimate interest usually means almost everything is enabled but it's sadly often not even against the GDPR, just scummy af!
It's questionable, thechincally yes but most who ever use it try to fit all of the tracking in that too and I think that's not as clear
From my knowledge of the EU as citizen I would say probably not, if they do something exceptions are only made for companies who spend a lot of money lobbying or if public outrage is big enough
Or most people at least wont understand the racist shit! ;)
Basically every single user of a degoogled phone dose and that's usually more than Linux users from my experience with the open source community so I would say probably basically every Lemmy user who was there before the Reddit shitshow and probably a bunch who came afterwards too, I might be wrong here but I think in terms of Lemmy users it's actually quite a bunch but idk how many of them would stick to open source alternatives anyway
The issue is that you can't search a ton of servers at once unless you index all their posts. To get a proper search engine someone would not only have to spend the time to code it but also the money to host that beast! :/