Just get the drivers from manufacturers website. What laptop is it?
Good. Mail everyone a damned ballot. Postage paid preferably.
I've used Calibre and stripped DRM off eBooks, definitely recommend.
Build a gaming rig on Newegg credit, pay it off interest free in 12-24 months depending on current deals.
How about no, he can go where he likes, you can fuck off. Don't like it? Go back to Reddit! Hurr Durr.
I for one am a lifelong Nintendo customer that has finally decided to boycott them moving forward. Plenty of other companies to support.
I'm quite pleased with the Complete Blu-ray remaster of Star Trek: The Next Generation.iso
Not sure who is more despicable, the restaurant for asking him to leave, or the customers who complained to management.
I'm gonna call them "forced birth."
Indeed. Like my 100TB collection of Linux ISO's.
Practice your manual driving in a big open parking lot or something. Somewhere you don't have to worry about rules of the road while still figuring out your muscle memory for shifting. Like everything else, it'll become second nature in time.
Nobody should even speak in public! Or breathe my air!