A backlog of 3.7 million cases... Jesus.
AF1 probably needs a database just for it's in in-flight menu.
He didn't say the SSN database isn't SQL. He said the GOVERNMENT doesn't use SQL.
Uh... We... Need an adult?
No I'm saying the person who ends the marriage shouldn't get anything. And I'm saying you shouldn't marry someone you would leave.
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is the principal executive leadership board of the United States Democratic Party. According to the party charter, it has "general responsibility for the affairs of the Democratic Party between National Conventions",[1] and particularly coordinates strategy to support Democratic Party candidates throughout the country for local, state, and national office, as well as works to establish a "party brand" and to formulate the party platform.
But I wanted to buy my own B2 Spirit Stealth Bomberrrrr! Mommmmmmmm!
Well personally, I think the vows you make when you marry should be treated as a contract. I mean it sounds as much like a verbal contract as can possibly exist. Which would make the person who breaks the contract the person at fault.
You may as well say we should get rid of all contracts in general instead of trying to find someone to blame in the event of breach. A noble sentiment, but not particularly practical.
That's a problem solving mentality. Some women are not interested in solving problems, they are interested in being excited. The high divorce rate increases with gay female couples and decreases with gay male couples.
Wouldn't it be worse to trap someone in a relationship that they aren't enjoying?
What you call trapped, I call commitment. We may as well just not get married then, to do the women the great honor of not trapping them. Especially if there is no upside for men.
I don't define love by feelings in my tummy, I define it by the actions you take to put someone's needs ahead of your own. Feelings change by the year, by the week, by the day, by the moment. No stable family will survive if it simply operates based on the whims of emotions.
Oh, well another user pointed out that SSN's are not unique, I think they are recycled after death or something. In any case, I do know that when the SSN system was first created it was created by people who said this is NOT MEANT to be treated as unique identifiers for our populace, and if it were it would be more comprehensive than an unsecure string of numbers that anyone can get their hands on. But lo and behold, we never created a proper solution and we ended up using SSN's for identity purposes. Poop.
What was their latest debacle? I lose track of which gaming company screwed what up.