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[–] FooBarrington 7 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

Oh, that sucks. Poor dogs. Their anger might be justified

[–] FooBarrington 2 points 3 weeks ago

While I like the theme etc. of Helldivers 2, I do wish they went a bit further than that. This kind of satire is best when it forces small bits of unease on the audience, like the ending of Starship Troopers - "it feels fear!", and everyone celebrates. There are bits and pieces surrounding the gameplay loop (e.g. something like "never talk to the enemy, destroy them for democracy", forgot the exact line), but it's rare enough to be easy to ignore.

[–] FooBarrington 5 points 3 weeks ago

That's a bit harsh. The first ¾ of season 3 are really good, even if they did drop the ball at the end.

[–] FooBarrington 11 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

Did they use them to conduct blood rituals, opening hell gates to higher dimensions of torment? Otherwise I can't imagine any other reason for that amount of anger concentrated in such a small dog

[–] FooBarrington 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Maybe the commenter wrote a contextually plausible yet wrong comment?

[–] FooBarrington 4 points 3 weeks ago

You mean the Golden Snowflake Award-winning actor, who portrayed the titular character in The Nazi Who Played Yahtzee?

[–] FooBarrington 13 points 3 weeks ago

Let's not forget that the PSN integration reduces performance, as in: deleting the PSN stuff from Ghost of Tsushima results in higher FPS.

[–] FooBarrington 1 points 4 weeks ago (5 children)

Rein kostendeckend zu vermieten hat eine Reihe an Vorteilen:

  • senkt Mieten um 3-4% (Tendenz steigend), senkt damit auch die Notwendigkeit für das Ausreizen der Mieterhöhungen
  • entfernt Gründe zum verstärkten Bauen von Luxus-Wohnungen
  • kurbelt lokale und nationale Wirtschaft an (Privatmieter können mehr ausgeben, Geschäfte haben niedrigere Fixkosten)

Ich kann nicht vorhersagen wie stark die einzelnen Effekte sind, aber sie sind allesamt real und langfristig hilfreich.

[–] FooBarrington 1 points 4 weeks ago (7 children)

Wobei genau widersprichst du mir? Alles, was du aufgezählt hast, ist Teil der Kostenrechnung.

Der Eigentümer kann diesen Wert abgreifen, als würde er eine private Steuer erheben. Das funktioniert über den Verkauf genauso wie über Vermietung.

Natürlich kann er das, ich habe nur meine moralische Bewertung dieses Vorgehens geteilt. Niemand hat behauptet, dass das nicht möglich ist.

[–] FooBarrington 3 points 4 weeks ago (9 children)

Vermieten ist konzeptuell ja okay, solange es nur kostendeckend betrieben wird (beispielsweise durch den Staat). Gewinnbringendes Vermieten konzentriert Vermögen und schwächt die Wirtschaft.

[–] FooBarrington 5 points 4 weeks ago

The newly appointed judges who helped overturn the decision also specifically stated in their confirmation hearings that Roe v. Wade was settled law:

[–] FooBarrington 19 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

I'd agree with you if studios producing actual high-quality games (like Elden Ring or Baldur's Gate 3) were hurting for money, but they don't appear to be. So what is the justification for the higher price? All I see is more money being shoveled towards investors, or used to buy (and bleed out/close) smaller studios.

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