How is it not true? Damn near everyone I know that has a macbook uses it to cruise the internet and look fancy doing it.
Yeah, it's a fucking cesspool of ideological nonsense here.
How on earth can that be construed as a "Trumper" statement? He really does live rent free in your head, doesn't he?
It's no wonder your generation is seen as such a fucking waste if you think typing "go back to fucking reddit" is A.) a Trump biased statement and B.) that it constitutes "working overtime" in such pursuits. Start rubbing the two brain cells you have left in an attempt to create enough static electricity to fire the one neuron you have remaining.
tell me with a straight face your life is better off under Biden than 4 years ago. or 8 years ago under Obama. This "meme" is so fucking stupid acting like no republican did anything good, or that no democrat did anything bad. If you believe that you're a fucking idiot that can't be helped.
God, go back to fucking Reddit.
it doesn't make one "pro russia" if you don't think sending BILLIONS of dollars to a foreign country is a great idea.