Not likely, since DS9 aired ~9 years before The Wire.
Yeah, I heard that was an issue on console, I'm on PC so I did not notice that one personally. I'm surprised how much the update changed in terms of aim and recoil. Just saw they released a hotfix today so hopefully that resolves all of this.
Glad to see we got the mid-season update, it's been a bit. I heard there is a new issue with recoil with the new patch though. Wonder when we'll get a hot fix for it.
Yeah the west branch is a brutal slog most of the time, it's so painful seeing cars in traffic going by faster a lot of the time. A really overdue project!
Yeah, bus frequency is definitely a bit lacking in Chicago. Especially on major streets like Clark. Obviously they can't run at subway like frequency but like 10-15 min between buses really shouldn't be too much to ask for!