the 5g standard includes many frequencies, including long range 2g-like ~400Mhz ones
I don't have much faith anyone in power will care. Just not bothering with questions of legality seems to be their modus operandii.
I predict Elon Musk will be the next president.
America is too dependent on tech developed and operated by the american military?!
the fuck?
Are you telling me california is the undying lands?
This article is focused on reading them electrically.
I too have heard you can read flash storage with electron microscopes.
How is the hammer supposed to help me memorize the key?
do you mean github or do you actually mean git?
md5 for example is already vulnerable. People have figured out how to manipulate data into having a pre-specified hash. Meaning someone could engineer deliberate hash collisions and serve you any file they like.
SHA-256 doesn't (i think) have this issue, so far hah.
you have to fucking hope no one figures out how to backwards engineer the hashing algorithm you choose
hahah everything is relative I guess.