Tory cretins acting like the scum they are. Fuck yeah, I guess.
Had so many interesting book recommendations since joining lemmy. I love it!
He is indeed named after him.
He’s certainly suspicious about something! Adorable.
Good stuff! You’ll be dying all week!
Oh nice one - which two books ?
The kitchen would also have a smaller adjacent room, or even part of the main room which would be the scullery, where they would wash the dishes etc.
Scullery is an awesome word so it’s a shame to leave it out!
Icepoles here in Ayrshire, Scotland!
One of my mine and my daughters favourite apps is this thing called Seek. It lets you scan big or wee beasties and plants and then identifies them for you. Gives you info about whatever it is etc. it’s a great wee app and turns you into a mental collector, standing in front of folk’s house like a weird as you surreptitiously try and scan their fancy pants plants.
Stuck an order in for a physical copy at my wee local bookshop. Cannae wait.
Was out at the bookshop earlier and then the butchers to collect my ham hock for stock to make my ramen tonight. Just fired it on and I’m about to sit down and fire up Baldurs Gate 3 for the first time.
I’m even considering opening a can of cider for some good old day drinking and then shout at the weans for annoying by expecting me to do stuff like care for their basic needs. The sheer gall of the wee grotbags!
Who doesn’t have a penchant for baguettes to be fair!