It was super apparent with j6. After months of watching protesters get beaten, teargassed, and arrested en masse (among other things) it was absolutely mind blowing to watch the police do the (almost) bare minimum to stop y’all-qeada even when they killed a cop. You would think they were trying to break up a bar fight and not an armed mob.
I expected them to at least treat this violent mob (chanting death threats to the *vice president) attacking the capitol the same as they had every single BLM protest the previous summer, and realistically take that event as more of an attack on our nation and respond in kind.
All summer we saw police around the country absolutely fuck people up, mass arrests, immediate crowd control, but on j6 all of the sudden they weren’t an all powerful, super coordinated crowd stopping machine.
It was infuriating
Well, they would be scared to deal with armed tweakers, and then they would have to arrest them and file a bunch of paperwork, show up in court, yada yada yada.
Evicting you was just a fun thing to do that presented zero risk and had minimal paperwork.
It’s crazy that police enjoy the massive public support they do. People are dumb, and police shows on tv do a number on dumb people.