But if someone wanted to kill you, isn't that just part of God's plan?
So I guess they don't like that over 90% of immigrants return for their court hearing, so if they make it so ICE detains and deport people who return for their hearings, that percentage will go down and it's another propaganda point that catch and release is a failure.
Can you link me one time the government made a change google didn't agree with, google continued operating as normal against the change, and challenged that change in court? That change being anything other than a new regulation that attempted to restrict some aspect of Google's business?
The only thing I'm able to find is essentially anti-trust lawsuits related to google search being the default in iOS and Android. I'm basically looking for any legal challenge google "resisted" for some societal good.
(Edit: this isn't like a challenge to your argument, I would just like to be better informed to see if google actually has partook in some sort of activism against the government other than fighting to continue their terrible business practices)
So in my city, the water bill would charge a fee for paying online, the only way to avoid the fee was to write a check and they had no auto pay options at all.
I would just overpay and write a check for 6-months of service. I knew it was time to write a new check when my balance stopped being negative.
I guess what I'm saying is it would have been incredibly convenient and not at all infuriating to have a fee-less auto pay option.
What are you talking about? I said that google should show what is fact, not their opinion. Pretending the US's official name for the body of water is the gulf of Mexico is denying the truth of what is happening. Other people outside the US report that the gulf hasn't been renamed for their location, this is a US problem.
And yet he does with no consequences because of the Republican administration (and frankly, the non-progressive Democrats). It's not Google's job to be a check on the government. If the US government department that manages natural landmark names has that set in their records, that's what should be reported.
First off fuck trump
But my hot take is that google should show it as gulf of america and remove holidays from the calendar. Google should be a source of fact and the fact is the Republican administration has officially renamed the gulf of Mexico and removed those as federally recognized holidays.
Google shouldn't be "protesting", the blame here is on the US government. I dont want Google's "opinion" on things when I search. Be mad at Google when they also refuse to do black history doodles on their front page (like, right now I think)
The New Orleans police department is the government
The reason stories exist of the underdog winning, is because the underdogs lose almost all the time.
Think of how common a story it is that a Walmart being built in a small town basically shutters all the local businesses.
Also, David basically brought a gun to a knife fight against Goliath. Seems like Goliath should have been considered the underdog :3
A 1.8% difference of the popular vote, but the popular vote doesn't win elections. Dems lost way more than by 1.8%
And don't forget they lost the house and senate.
I'm fine with them limiting what can be on personalized license plates, they don't even have to offer them. If she got this as a bumper sticker or something, then I don't think the government can force her to remove it.
She's had this plate for 10 years, don't know why they are rejecting her now.
Her plate is "69PWNDU"