
joined 2 years ago
[–] ErrorCode 5 points 1 day ago (6 children)

And down voted when you bring it up. So many people think the Dems are entitled to your vote simply because they aren't Republicans. I feel the same way posting on FB. My friends don't want to hear it, or hear that they are voting for a party that actively supports oligarchs.

[–] ErrorCode 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Go Green Tree!


I run this on my ruko/youtube app

[–] ErrorCode 1 points 3 weeks ago

And term limits!

[–] ErrorCode 2 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

And everything is back up & running, as of about 24 hours ago. Extra loots in the Daily logins for January 1 &2. And some Crate drops if you watched Gina & Jess cooking Jubilee Cake and Sugar Claws from the Elder Scrolls Cookbook 2.

[–] ErrorCode 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Wasn't there a Uni project a few years back trying to summarize key civilization building concepts - like basic agriculture, tool making, shelter making, that sort of thing. Because whatever society described by OP is going to have serious problems.

Played some today (self.anarchyonline)
submitted 1 month ago by ErrorCode to c/anarchyonline

Leveling up a lowbie F2P Fixer on the clan side (Old Athen & West Athen). I can outrun most mobs on Repair or Return missions with the various speed buffs. Is there ever a time when your Concealment/Sneak are sufficient to slowly move through a mission, or is that a wasted skill line?

Counter-Meta Builds (self.anarchyonline)
submitted 1 month ago by ErrorCode to c/anarchyonline

Curious if anyone has counter-meta builds out there, like preferring using some Dark Blue skills?


There are certainly youtube videos about builds and optimizations, but what are people enjoying?

Who is playing? (self.anarchyonline)
submitted 1 month ago by ErrorCode to c/anarchyonline

I have a free account, my account with my old characters requires payment, so newer characters it is. I miss some of the old starting zones - I liked the one with the tower in the middle the best. Was that the one that came out when they introduced the Keepers and Shades.

[–] ErrorCode 1 points 2 months ago

I am running Star Wars (FFG/Edge). So I write down the opening crawl, which is a combination of what they did recently with some setup for the current session. I have a few more notes on important people, planets, cities, and ships for the session, and a general idea of steps they will need to go through. And last I have a few extras - uses for Dark Side points, ideas for Despair roles, and general complications if things are not flowing (or if they end steamrolling certain things so I have more content ready).

[–] ErrorCode 2 points 2 months ago

Because Dems need something to cry about every cycle. They could do so many things if they actually wanted to.

[–] ErrorCode 1 points 2 months ago

Not only does she cover MN elections, she is an award winning writer.


My (EotE) players are very interested in getting a larger ship, specifically a repair / carrier vessel. Sil 5 - 6. Most of these ships list dozens or hundreds of crew. Have you encountered that scenario? How did you handle it?

[–] ErrorCode 3 points 3 months ago

I also use the grocery store juice (with no preservatives), add some honey, and I like it dryer, so I use champagne yeast.

[–] ErrorCode 2 points 3 months ago

Love me some Billy Bragg. Have seen him 3 times live.

[–] ErrorCode 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Snugpod is cheap and close to the action for both Undaunted Enclave and Rolis (Master Writs), I use Deshan / Mournhold to quickly get to Fighters Guild and Mages Guild. I saw this in someone else's Snugpod, so I cannot claim credit, but you can get much more usable space there if you put in the Clockwork Spiral Stair to make it effectively 2 levels. Here is a youtube video I found about getting all the Inn Rooms and the Lunar Champ home (if you have ESO plus or the Elsweyr DLC)

[–] ErrorCode 2 points 3 months ago (3 children)

Fishing is entertaining for a little while, especially if you have Sharp-as-Night. His comments for that are great.

Crafting & building out houses is also a good time if you like that type of thing. And there is the new Housing Tour option, so you can show off your designs.

Interdictors (self.swrpg)
submitted 6 months ago by ErrorCode to c/swrpg

Has anyone used an Interdictor in their campaign? Was it mostly narrative, or did you use game mechanics around it?

Custom Ships? (
submitted 1 year ago by ErrorCode to c/swrpg

Has anyone or anyone's players built a custom ship? I don't mean just adding the items & mods from the books, but building a whole ship?

EotE to AoR (self.swrpg)
submitted 1 year ago by ErrorCode to c/swrpg

My players are following the Han & Chewie path from smugglers / mercs to wanting to be part of something bigger, namely the fledgling Rebellion. They have done a couple of jobs for a small rebel cell. Has anyone mixed Duty, Obligation, and / or Conflict (for the Force sensitive in the group)?


I haven't played Blades in the Dark, but some of my players have. I really like the FFG/Edge and have built a pretty good collection of the books. So I am not looking to move. I also have some West End and WoTC Star Wars books as well.

submitted 2 years ago by ErrorCode to c/snap

Is there ever a Card Split mission? Or said another way, is there a reason to hold off on splitting cards?

Companions (self.elderscrollsonline)

I never got into companions, because I played a ton before they existed. Now with Apocrypha I decided to get the two new ones. And wow, Sharp-As-Night is way more fun than Azandar. The comments were I cannot tell quite if he is being snide or not, the comments about fishing and fighting and grabbing loot. I mean, I do want to eventually figure out just what Azandar did in his background, but hanging out with Sharp is just so much better...

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