Go Green Tree!
And term limits!
And everything is back up & running, as of about 24 hours ago. Extra loots in the Daily logins for January 1 &2. And some Crate drops if you watched Gina & Jess cooking Jubilee Cake and Sugar Claws from the Elder Scrolls Cookbook 2.
Wasn't there a Uni project a few years back trying to summarize key civilization building concepts - like basic agriculture, tool making, shelter making, that sort of thing. Because whatever society described by OP is going to have serious problems.
I am running Star Wars (FFG/Edge). So I write down the opening crawl, which is a combination of what they did recently with some setup for the current session. I have a few more notes on important people, planets, cities, and ships for the session, and a general idea of steps they will need to go through. And last I have a few extras - uses for Dark Side points, ideas for Despair roles, and general complications if things are not flowing (or if they end steamrolling certain things so I have more content ready).
Because Dems need something to cry about every cycle. They could do so many things if they actually wanted to.
Not only does she cover MN elections, she is an award winning writer.
I also use the grocery store juice (with no preservatives), add some honey, and I like it dryer, so I use champagne yeast.
Love me some Billy Bragg. Have seen him 3 times live.
Snugpod is cheap and close to the action for both Undaunted Enclave and Rolis (Master Writs), I use Deshan / Mournhold to quickly get to Fighters Guild and Mages Guild. I saw this in someone else's Snugpod, so I cannot claim credit, but you can get much more usable space there if you put in the Clockwork Spiral Stair to make it effectively 2 levels. Here is a youtube video I found about getting all the Inn Rooms and the Lunar Champ home (if you have ESO plus or the Elsweyr DLC)
Fishing is entertaining for a little while, especially if you have Sharp-as-Night. His comments for that are great.
Crafting & building out houses is also a good time if you like that type of thing. And there is the new Housing Tour option, so you can show off your designs.
And down voted when you bring it up. So many people think the Dems are entitled to your vote simply because they aren't Republicans. I feel the same way posting on FB. My friends don't want to hear it, or hear that they are voting for a party that actively supports oligarchs.