
joined 1 year ago
[–] ErrorCode 20 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I really like my Dreamcast!

[–] ErrorCode 10 points 2 weeks ago

That is how I counted the tiles. Tetris!

[–] ErrorCode 3 points 1 month ago

I use a few different ones... Azander I have setup as a Healer, Isobel as a Tank, Sharp as "stuck in" DPS, and Ember as Ranged DPS. Ember is my favorite though. I think she has great voice lines. I think for me it is a tie between Ember and Sharp for the best story.

[–] ErrorCode 2 points 2 months ago

I do dailies and find time for dungeons when I can fit them in. PC-NA.

[–] ErrorCode 14 points 5 months ago (1 children)

I really liked those windows when I was visiting Europe.

[–] ErrorCode 2 points 5 months ago (2 children)

I have had that card in my deck and it has never helped win a game.

[–] ErrorCode 92 points 7 months ago (6 children)

WTAF? So he can ruin PBS too?

Custom Ships? (
submitted 7 months ago by ErrorCode to c/swrpg

Has anyone or anyone's players built a custom ship? I don't mean just adding the items & mods from the books, but building a whole ship?

[–] ErrorCode 3 points 8 months ago

Making a deal with a Daedric Prince.

[–] ErrorCode 2 points 8 months ago

It is my daily brew. Grind beans, heat the water in a stove-top kettle, pour, drink. I use the moka pot on weekends when I take more time with it.

[–] ErrorCode 2 points 9 months ago

My cat does not trust the hammock and does not go near it.

EotE to AoR (self.swrpg)
submitted 10 months ago by ErrorCode to c/swrpg

My players are following the Han & Chewie path from smugglers / mercs to wanting to be part of something bigger, namely the fledgling Rebellion. They have done a couple of jobs for a small rebel cell. Has anyone mixed Duty, Obligation, and / or Conflict (for the Force sensitive in the group)?


I haven't played Blades in the Dark, but some of my players have. I really like the FFG/Edge and have built a pretty good collection of the books. So I am not looking to move. I also have some West End and WoTC Star Wars books as well.

[–] ErrorCode 1 points 11 months ago

I won a round against a very similar deck earlier today. My turn 5 play won two locations.

I feel like this would bite me as often as I mess up with Prof X. Which is why I barely play Prof X.

submitted 11 months ago by ErrorCode to c/snap

Is there ever a Card Split mission? Or said another way, is there a reason to hold off on splitting cards?

[–] ErrorCode 4 points 11 months ago

Amazon is just Wish but more expensive. But even if you go to Best Buy or Microcenter, you can still end up with the same rebranded crap.

Companions (self.elderscrollsonline)

I never got into companions, because I played a ton before they existed. Now with Apocrypha I decided to get the two new ones. And wow, Sharp-As-Night is way more fun than Azandar. The comments were I cannot tell quite if he is being snide or not, the comments about fishing and fighting and grabbing loot. I mean, I do want to eventually figure out just what Azandar did in his background, but hanging out with Sharp is just so much better...

Galactus Timing (self.snap)
submitted 1 year ago by ErrorCode to c/snap

Had a game last week, and timing / order of operations seemed odd.

Center location opponent had Nimrod, I had Armor there. Opponent plays Galactus right. Nimrod popped over to the Galactus location (obviously cannot spawn another Nimrod left, as that location is no longer valid).

Nimrod was destroyed and the text was executed. Is that the intended result? Why is the Nimrod text honored but not the Armor text?

Anyone playing a Stam Arcanist? (self.elderscrollsonline)

I started and finished the main Hermaeus Mora questline (and Psijic - I just love the talking skull) with a Breton Majicka build. Thus far my favorite skill (other than "Book Laser!") is the tentacle arm, but it seems the better morph is the Stamina version. Do I change my whole build around for that, or do I continue the Majicka path? One benefit of the current path is it pretty easily pivots into a Healer, which the world seems to need more of.

ESO - Arcanist (self.tes)
submitted 1 year ago by ErrorCode to c/tes

If you are playing an Arcanist, do you plan to go with DPS (Stam or Magicka?), Tank, or Healer?

Hello and Welcome (self.swrpg)
submitted 1 year ago by ErrorCode to c/swrpg

I didn't see a community out there for SWRPG, so I created it. I have been playing, for a couple of years and GM'ing since our group started playing. We passed Episode 25 a little bit ago and are going strong!

Crux (self.tes)
submitted 1 year ago by ErrorCode to c/tes

What do people think about the Crux system for the Arcanist? I like it. Reminds me of some of the City of Heroes power sets. Anyone developed a mid-level (or end-game) rotation that works well?

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