Star Wars RPG

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Community focused on discussing the Fantasy Flight Games / Edge Studios SWRPG

founded 2 years ago
Large PC group (self.swrpg)
submitted 1 week ago by ErrorCode to c/swrpg

Has anyone tried to run with more than 4-5 players? We have a group of 9 playing a homebrew D&D and we are a few sessions away from the fight with the Big Bad. Wondering if it would be possible to make a go with AoR or EotE with a group that big.


My (EotE) players are very interested in getting a larger ship, specifically a repair / carrier vessel. Sil 5 - 6. Most of these ships list dozens or hundreds of crew. Have you encountered that scenario? How did you handle it?

Interdictors (self.swrpg)
submitted 6 months ago by ErrorCode to c/swrpg

Has anyone used an Interdictor in their campaign? Was it mostly narrative, or did you use game mechanics around it?

Custom Ships? (
submitted 1 year ago by ErrorCode to c/swrpg

Has anyone or anyone's players built a custom ship? I don't mean just adding the items & mods from the books, but building a whole ship?

EotE to AoR (self.swrpg)
submitted 1 year ago by ErrorCode to c/swrpg

My players are following the Han & Chewie path from smugglers / mercs to wanting to be part of something bigger, namely the fledgling Rebellion. They have done a couple of jobs for a small rebel cell. Has anyone mixed Duty, Obligation, and / or Conflict (for the Force sensitive in the group)?


I haven't played Blades in the Dark, but some of my players have. I really like the FFG/Edge and have built a pretty good collection of the books. So I am not looking to move. I also have some West End and WoTC Star Wars books as well.


This series is several years old, but if you've never seen it, it's generally worth watching. He has some interesting insights & opinions on using the system.


Title is a little bit click-baity but relevant, honestly. Pretty decent interview with Sam Stewart, RPG manager.

As usual he can't answer as much as we'd like, but there's some tidbits of info peppered in.


Really good video series by Tabletop Empire. Good way to get your newer players up to speed with the more important aspects of the game.

Share an NPC! (self.swrpg)
submitted 2 years ago by cdipierr to c/swrpg

My current campaign is set on the planet of Caradu. A formerly metropolitan world devastated by the Clone Wars. We're playing in the direct aftermath of the war's end.

I can always use more interesting NPCs, give me a name, look, or even a short description of their motivation and I will put them in the game! (Assuming they're not a dumb joke🤣)

Example NPC: Gardner Prospas - An older human man, with graying auburn hair, a thick close-trimmed beard, and an easy smile. He is compassionate, and jovial. Prospas travels Caradu by wagon sharing his rare herbs and saplings.


This is an old episode but they do a great job explaining how to use the Genesys rules for ship & vehicle combat in the Star Wars RPG. Spoiler warning: many players find the Genesys rules work much better.

Hello and Welcome (self.swrpg)
submitted 2 years ago by ErrorCode to c/swrpg

I didn't see a community out there for SWRPG, so I created it. I have been playing, for a couple of years and GM'ing since our group started playing. We passed Episode 25 a little bit ago and are going strong!