
joined 2 years ago
[–] Enekk 3 points 1 month ago

Thanks, I'll check it out!

[–] Enekk 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (3 children)

I listen to many, but here's my favorites:

  • Chilluminati: Takes a comedy focused look at supernatural, paranormal, and just weird topics. After a few episodes, the hosts really build excellent rapport. When it is at its best, it reminds me of some weird AM radio program you'd catch while night driving across the country.
  • The Beef and Dairy Network: The leading podcast about beef animals and dairy herds. Start at episode 1.
  • The Climate Denier's Playbook: "Rollie Williams (Climate Town) and Nicole Conlan (The Daily Show) are two comedians with Master's Degrees in Climate Science & Policy and Urban Planning. But don't get too excited, because they're here to examine the pervasive myths and misinformation campaigns that are making it obnoxiously difficult to address the looming climate crisis you've probably heard about."
[–] Enekk 4 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (2 children)

Just a reminder that the designer of the West of Loathing games is an accused abuser.

[–] Enekk 14 points 3 months ago (6 children)

You know the difference? I don't have to actually drive when I take the train. I can do literally anything else, especially if wireless is available.

It's like people who say, "I don't need a dishwasher, I can wash them in half the time!". Yeah, sure, but I don't have to fucking wash them. Not to mention the environmental and health benefits which, incidentally, works for trains too.

[–] Enekk 10 points 3 months ago

I used Twitter for emergency updates, saved me multiple times.

[–] Enekk 3 points 4 months ago (1 children)

What possibly was the logic here?

[–] Enekk 4 points 5 months ago

You have also made a good argument for socialized energy production. Any time you run into these situations where the optimal solution for a good society requires and is anti-profit, that's a good place for socialized ownership.

[–] Enekk 23 points 5 months ago (1 children)

At first, I was going to pass on destroying music, but then I remembered the anger I feel any time I have to see Peter Pan because, in part, the fucking racist shit that is What Makes the Red Man Red. Maybe I could work out a deal to erase the entire movie...

Before anyone attempts to defend it with, "it was a product of the times", know that the play Peter Pan is based on was considered shockingly racist at the time and Disney's solution to that was to double down on the racism so that nobody would take it seriously.

[–] Enekk 7 points 6 months ago

This is because Mary Poppins lied to us. It isn't a spoonful of sugar that makes the medicine go down, but something with a bit of salt in addition to that sugar. Salt masks bitterness.

[–] Enekk 32 points 7 months ago (1 children)

I have zero Joe Rogan on my feed. You are literally making it worse by engaging with his content in any way (down votes being a big one). Just completely ignore content you don't like and it'll go away over time.

[–] Enekk 33 points 7 months ago (2 children)

I'm showing my age, but back when IE was basically the only browser and Firefox (Firebird back then) launched, people often lamented that things didn't work in Firefox. The solution? People used Firefox and web developers were forced to make their shit work in Firefox. When Chrome came out, suddenly we had three real options and the way to make everything work? Open Standards.

Now, Chrome is in the position IE was back before Firefox came around. How ever will we make sure things work in Firefox??? Use Firefox. If enough people dump Google's malware browser, the web has to go back to supporting multiple browsers through open standards.

[–] Enekk 5 points 9 months ago

How wonderful if that were true. It used to be commonplace and it made it harder to demonize the other side. People were able to compromise and work together on things. Now that they can't spend evenings reaffirming their mutual humanity, they spend their days talking past each other.


My wallet will probably regret asking, but I've sort of run through my normal suspects list of reputable teaware sellers (Bitter leaf, Yunnan Sourcing, Teaware.house, a few now-defunct sellers). Does anyone have suggestions for reputable sellers? I'm not exactly sure what I'm looking for, but I'll know it when I see it!

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