Spitfire: Unison
Worlds: Lionhearted
Worlds (Remixed): Divinity
Nurture: Sweet Time
Spitfire: Unison
Worlds: Lionhearted
Worlds (Remixed): Divinity
Nurture: Sweet Time
Definitely don't do this. It won't help with port forwarding over a VPN, and it will increase attack surface for no reason.
With Spotify, both you and artists are still screwed.
If you have Spotify free you will be interrupted by ads breaking all immersion in your albums. Artists will get paid barely anything.
If you have Spotify Premium, you will have to pay money, and most of that money won't even go towards the artists. The artists will get paid a little more then barely anything.
Bandcamp (indie)
Qobuz, 7digital, artists website directly (general stuff)
NativeDSD (audiophile)
I share a pretty good size collection of music and fonts on Soulseek.
If you would be able to afford an implant for them that would be the best.
I use WizTree too and it works great. Scans entire C: root in a few seconds
I know someone who uses the new YNAB and loves it. They talk about their budget all the time :D
I don't use a text browser but I do use elinks to make sure my website works properly in it.
Oh wow thats cool. I remember Windows Live Writer from way back.
kidney beans
Somebody downloaded an album from me today called "World's Greatest 2 Day Waterbed Sale!". Yes people do download the weirdest stuff.