I saw an interview from a band talking about this problem. They said it was a tough balancing act. The people there live want to hear the classics and don't want new stuff. But anyone watching remotely or watching the video later already has their favorite versions of the classics and doesn't want to hear them again, they want new stuff. You have to do both and it's hard.
So how do I access these brief posts? Is there an archive somewhere?
You're not a bad guy, but this is kind of a bad faith argument, saying that a 14yo not being comfortable with their gender is just a phase they'll grow out of (like any other stupid kid / teenager phase). Does it happen? sure, of course it does. But it's not 'just a phase' for the VAST majority of trans pre adults. If you're scared that someone will change their mind and keep them from doing anything until 18, then they get hit with full wrong gender puberty and change their bodies in ways they can't undo. Most of the older trans women I know transitioned in adulthood, and it sucks to say but they still sound like a dude talking. They hate it. They wish so bad they could have been allowed to do this as early as possible. They knew exactly what was going on, but had to wait. It's up to parents to know their kids and say are you sure? are you SURE? REALLY? yeah? ok cool let's do this then. Why make them suffer longer?
A community for linguistics humor? Holy shit I'm in.
Or somehow corral some of the wild chickens that are running rampant on the islands
I love reading these daily games posts. They usually sound lovely, and either show me new things or remind me of a fun game I used to play.
Cheers man.
Man, I don't know about even that... It gets stuff wrong all the time. My boss LOVES his AI bot that joins all meetings (even if he doesn't) to summarize stuff. Occasionally I look over the summary it produces; it's about 50% actually correct, 25% ambiguous not wrong but not what I meant, and 25% flat out wrong / opposite of what I meant. I'm sure he relies on the results, ugh. One time I went through the summary and corrected it all, but I don't have time for that for all meetings.
Games like Skyrim always bugged me a bit as I couldn't walk for more than half a minute before I tripped over a quest or encounter of some sort. I feel like the devs were scared players would get bored if they didn't see something exciting every few seconds. Sure I want to do stuff, but I also want to breath and look at the scenery and think about what I'm doing.
The real world is way more open; you travel for a good while between cities, and I really like when games do that as well. I'll have to try Red Dead, but I thought Kingdom Come Deliverance struck a good balance. Even at top speed on a good horse, it takes minutes to ride between the major settlements, with only rare encounters coming up now and again.
Currently sucked into Kingdom Come Deliverance, which is similar to TW3 in that it's a first person story driven game, but set in IRL 1403 Bohemia instead of the fantasy setting. Very good historical storytelling, I think.
Simulated red/green colorblind (the most common one). Dark = bad sorta works but not all the way.
Hopefully. ghostrider2112 seems like a decent dude.