
joined 2 years ago

Great song from Pale Jay's new album. It you've never heard him before you should definitely check him out!


Has an album releasing soon, highly suggest checking out the other singles he has released for it!


Also goes by just Wesley Bright in streaming platforms.


If you haven't heard this band then you definitely need to check them out. One of my favorite songs by them, always stuck in my head!

[–] ElephantKant 1 points 2 years ago

Doing this is the closest I'll ever get to successfully meditating


Got her start as a backup singer on Missy Elliott's song "Gettaway" and now is proving she's got what it takes to stand on her own


Two brothers out of Melbourne Australia who are said to have a great live show.


Band from Brooklyn that sprinkles in a little of everything. Fantastic concert, highly recommend looking up their shows.


Band from Seattle. This is from their newest album "Sticking With It"


Formed in Oakland, if you have never heard them before you are in for a treat!

[–] ElephantKant 2 points 2 years ago

I'm going to echo what somebody else said in that time is ultimately going to be the only thing that really changes how you feel. Which I think is what we really want when feeling this way. For me, I got high and did my best to detach from life by deciding feeling nothing was better then feeling horrible (which I don't recommend doing).

It took me a long time and lots of therapy to realize how important it is to feel our emotions when we feel them. Cry if you feel like it, scream, or even punch a pillow. Don't run away from what you're feeling because you can never escape it. Feel it now while everything is fresh so that you can work through those feelings in a healthy way.

What is a healthy way? Well that's different for everybody. All you can do is keep experimenting, researching or hiring a therapist to help work through it. Friends can only be an ear for us to talk to, but a therapist can give us tools. Not every therapist is a good fit so it's a little like dating in finding the right fit.

Be careful about getting stuck in what you're feeling though. Feel it, but then let it go as best you can. Accept that you feel this way but remember it's not forever. Acknowledge it, then let it drift away.


Great song that always helps me feel better when I'm blaming myself for things that aren't my fault.

[–] ElephantKant 1 points 2 years ago

Couldn't agree more, all fantastic albums by these guys!

[–] ElephantKant 3 points 2 years ago

When I'm feeling sick, nothing makes me feel better than watching Arthur. Yes the Aardvark.

[–] ElephantKant 11 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Thus begins the beginnings of "We're whalers on the moon, we carry a harpoon!" Sorry, wrong community

[–] ElephantKant 1 points 2 years ago

It was probably a 2-ply or whatever every public restroom has, that shit rips like crazy

[–] ElephantKant 1 points 2 years ago

Thanks so much for your response, that makes a lot of sense. I'm diagnosed with ADHD as well myself and find meds help a lot with that so hopefully a duel diagnosis will help with understanding me.

[–] ElephantKant 2 points 2 years ago (2 children)

This may be ignorant but do you mind if I ask what happens after the diagnosis? Is there medicine that helps or is it something that mainly helps to know/be aware of to find strategies that work for wherever you are on the spectrum? I have taken a couple online tests and they all came back saying I am on the spectrum but I don't really know what to expect by bringing it up to my psychiatrist.

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