Yes switch2 definitely is the trigger for what ever evaluation internally at Nintendo causing this.
I checked the comments just to make sure someone mentioned eidetic memory.
The "um achually" approach is to point out that "eidetic" is actually the correct term and that "photographic" is a colloquialism.
My take on this is that gold points was a method to drive digital purchases over physical media.
Nintendo gets all the revenue and don't have to share with retailers, also digital is a lot cheaper then physical media to produce and distribute.
Now in 2025 digital numbers are so high that they no longer feel the incentive is worth it's cost.
Also I would personally reserve the term "anti-consumer" for other more sinister things then removing a free perk or bonus... Nintendo have lots of practices that fall under this term, I don't feel this is one.
Especially since they are giving quite a lot of room for you to spend whatever gold points you have on your account. Anti consumer would be outright refusing to cash in the point right away.
I was just thinking the other day that the plot of the matrix would make a lot more sense now.
The ai is running a simulation of the 90s to keep growing because everything after that is tainted with internet memes and increasing amount of ai slop.
There are more sinister ways to do this then sim swapping.
There is too little control over nodes in modern cell networks.
Check out
A great example of using our numbers to strengthen our position as consumers.
I love this, and also the idea he has of a browser extension that gives you an exclamation mark on products features on the wiki, so you can be warned if the product you are considering has bad consumer rights or the company behind it has a shady history.
Even as someone from a country with relatively strong consumer protection (especially with regards to warranty and products breaking), I often find myself frustrated by enshittified or otherwise gimped products from greedy companies putting their bottom line and stakeholders above their customers.
It's fascinating. If you have to spend huge amounts money and effort on monitoring and scewing public opinion... Perhaps it is time for some fucking introspection...(I know the biggest bastards in this system are incapable of that... But still...)
This. It is inconvenient, but it does help with the issue that systems constantly get compromised and credentials stolen.
I wish companies would support more user friendly technology like ubikey or similar instead...
Also SMS is extremely insecure, and relatively easy to spoof/steal.
I use a notepad in many meeting at work to not be a complete pain in the ass.
If I write it down it's not lost, and if it's actually a good point I can bring it up at a good time or circle back to it.
America. Trying to emulate every aspect of the game Monopoly.
I guess other chance cards are next since the "get of jail free" card is implemented....
I mean it's a effective way to prove that "the government is broken"....