Haha that's so l337. Pwnd!
joined 2 years ago
Or just make it where you can plug a mouse into the USB port. Or Bluetooth. Mario Paint for the SNES had a mouse. No need to get crazy designing stuff for dual functions
He means they would save more than $2 million by keeping the system the way it is.
The c-stick is technically an analog stick. Take apart a Gamecube controller and you'll see that uses potentiometers just like the left stick. It might have a gate on the stick that snaps to certain positions. I seem to remember something like that when I replaced mine.
Don't give them ideas
Just noticed the X logo looks like a swastika also
More butter
Posting the song that is in my head when I wake up #7: Pump Up the Love by 2 Mello
Posting the song that is in my head when I wake up #1: You Rock Me, by she
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Former FCC chairman and piece of shit, Ajit Pai used to have a cartoonishly large Reese's mug. Could be an old picture and all of the text has been changed.