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[–] EightBitBlood 13 points 1 hour ago (3 children)

They do. Because they already got away with making the US fail to realize a whole bunch. About project 2025. About Trump. School shootings. Class solidarity. Etc. The US is pliable because 50% of the country just needs someone on Fox to tell them how okay it is for them to get fucked, and they'll just let it happen.

Problem is, there are clear limits on how far this can be pushed. And these idiots are just about to discover what those limits are. But they are without question idiots, and certainly stupid enough to not see how this is going to effect them.

[–] EightBitBlood 8 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

As an American, don't be naive. Trump said he had nothing to do with project 2025, and now it's 40% complete in just 3 months in office. Everyone on the right side of politics isn't to be trusted in this era. They are all absolutely full of shit, and will unquestionably align with Trumps insanity. Name a single one that hasn't.

[–] EightBitBlood 8 points 2 hours ago

By all means, explain to me how Americans are supposed to fight against decades of wrong-think being bought and paid for by the richest people alive.

America is in the situation we're in because money is power and those with the most of it decided to slowly take over this country. If 90% of the people here could unify, they still wouldn't have the resources of the 30 billionaires controlling their tech and media narrative.

You better have a good answer of what to do when this happens again because based on the world wide rise of this kind of disinformation, it's only a matter of time before it happens to your country too. Assuming your safe is the only short sighted thing America did in this situation.

So I wouldn't be delighting in the strength these enemies showed in defeating the US, because it's just a matter of time before they come for you next. And if the US didn't stop them, you better be learning how.

Because this evil isn't localized to the US.

[–] EightBitBlood 9 points 13 hours ago

Can confirm. Boring is the way. Accounting, economics, etc.

For me, I worked my ass off to be a person that works on movies and TV etc. Got lucky, held some dream positions, and even got to make my own thing.

However, if I could do it all again, I'd stay in the boring office job I had and share twice as much time with my family and friends.

Instead, I worked 80 hour weeks, made some decent money in respected roles, and then Covid took everyone and everything close to me. Money and respect mean nothing if you can't share it with those you love.

Boring is the way. Don't worry about liking your job in 10-20 years, worry about liking your life.

[–] EightBitBlood 0 points 1 day ago

Literally proving my point how effective you are at distancing your allies.

I don't spend time on X, but X does exist, which means it's possible to look at it without immediately becoming a radicalized MAGA asshole.

You are willing to dismiss my point through an assumption I spend a lot of time on X, so maybe you should care about sounding exactly like all the assholes that do.

Which is the point I'm making. You sound and act just like them. Dismissing conflicting opinions through misplaced assumptions now included.

[–] EightBitBlood -1 points 1 day ago (2 children)

So is arguing semantics about where and how the term "lib" is being used a better way to gain allies?


If you ever do go to X, you'd see MAGA uses "lib" the same way the leftists here do. So sure, Lemmy residents may not be regurgitating MAGA culture, but they sure as shit sound like it by complaining about liberals in the same exact way using the same exact terms.

If you're looking for allies, maybe don't use the same language of your enemies to recruit them.

Your argument boils down to "but people on lemmy use the word "lib" in a good way." It's still the same thought terminating and dehumanizing word my dude, and just because you're admittedly in the dark to how it's being used on Twitter doesn't mean it can be used better by others in a different community.

If we rewind 80 years of history, you'd be defending the right to use the word "jew" to describe those with tight business purses despite it also being used by Hitler for other reasons. You would also defend this position by admitting to not ever reading what's happening in Germany.

Great take.

Would love to hear your ideas on marketing solidarity to liberal allies by using the term "lib" to win them over.

80 years ago it would be making signs that say "Hey Jews - let's work together to stop Hitler!"

Which, to the point I'm making, sounds like bullshit rather than a rally cry.

[–] EightBitBlood 2 points 1 day ago (4 children)

Am American, and "lib" is used every day by MAGA on social media. Just go to X and scroll for a whole couple seconds to see overwhelming proof it's a MAGA culture war talking point.

I'm not against shitting on liberals either, but there's clearly a much bigger world wide problem of private equity Fascism that needs solved, and liberals have already been fighting that enemy (albeit not winning that fight). This makes them your friend whether you like it or not.

But solidarity isn't going to happen if you're too busy complaining about liberal bullshit to fight with them when needed instead.

Nazis are now in the White House and a Fox News host commands the biggest army in the world.

And that wasn't even the first 90 days of this dumpster fire.

So I'd rather spend the little time we have left before polical arrests happen to work together than spend time bitching about the history of our possible allies.

I voted for Biden, and was deeply critical of his team. But without question he would be a better President now than Trump is.

Imo words critical of liberals in the US are wasted. Trump will be far more critical of them in the long run, so I'd rather spend my time making allies instead of grandstanding while they're being publicly admonished.

The next step is them getting arrested, so the time for making allies isn't long.

[–] EightBitBlood 5 points 2 days ago

Tesla spent two decades building it's brand only to lose world wide appeal in a matter of weeks.

There is a very clear trend in what Elon touches turning to shit.

X is clearly not recovering to its previous highs.

And Tesla is likely now fucked too.

Simply because neither of these companies have a path forward to reaching the value they had without a worldwide consumer base. Supply and demand determine value and both of these companies shifted their demand base from billions of people world wide to millions of people brainwashed in the US.

The active consumer base for both products is now American, and only so much value can be extracted from Americans compared to the entire world.

Add in a pending US economic crisis to that smaller user base of both companies, and there's absolutley no hope either survive or recover to the value they previously had.

Invest in either if you want to lose money in the long run. Otherwise short both.

[–] EightBitBlood 2 points 2 days ago (6 children)

History has a liberal bias if you care to read instead of listen to TV all day.

[–] EightBitBlood 4 points 3 days ago

Very well said, especially the snake oil comparison.

[–] EightBitBlood 23 points 3 days ago (1 children)

You're half right.

We absolutley and without question have the money, resources, and infrastructure to supply the world with what it needs.

However, 90% of those resources are owned by individuals, not countries.

In order to accumulate this wealth, they have exploited millions, usually through government bribes, or capturing entire political parties outright.

Now that sharing their hoarded wealth is essential for human survival, they are choosing to disrupt any conversation about it. Socialism and the "left" way of thinking - to provide resources where they are best needed - is dangerous to their wealth, so they've spent millions on preserving it at the cost of preserving humanity.

That's what you're seeing across the globe. Selfish narcissists that care more about themselves than humanity.

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