R2 is the Star Wars equivalent to the Library of Alexandria
Shark Navigator Vacuum with a self-cleaning brush. I bought it on Sunday and it's working great so far
My brother passed away in November - it hit me worse than many losses I've experienced. The calm and waves of sadness is so accurate, but nothing can prepare you for it; I spent years preparing for my brother's death, but it did nothing when it actually happened.
In many Labor Economic Models, the distinction in Time is measured as Time spent working vs Time spent not working, in which the commute is factored. Many companies deal with people's reluctance to commute by offering better pay or better benefits (if they're seeking specific skillsets that are more difficult to find close by), but sometimes you find a gem like your company.
I know it would be difficult to implement for many companies, but I wish more companies did something like that when they could. The company I work for doesn't pay for commutes from home, but will pay for them if you are temporarily relocated to a different office by calculating the distance between the two offices and average fuel price
Better get on it, then
I will be .zip and I'll die on this hill
Also, Khajiit has wares if you have coin
Glad you enjoyed Boston! You have to do the Duck Boat Tours next time you're in town. Very touristy, but great for finding things to do around Downtown and the Waterfront. Hope you come back soon!
I don't know, I just like the pictures
Unfortunately, Google is also complicit in this