Everything keeps turning into crabs
Don't really like the idea of Canada as a 51st state but maybe we can talk our way into free shipping from the U.S.
I know everyone has to start somewhere but playing with millions of dollars in the healthcare system as a learning experience should concern people if Smith isn't already on that radar.
Clearly you haven't cultivated cheese moss before
Did threads take off recently or what's the story? I thought it was unsuccessful as xitter was already the preferred platform
And these scandals feel way more tame than what we are used to seeing on the news nowadays.
I feel like adequate energy storage would at least alleviate some of the worry on days when there is less production. There has to be days when there is too much energy produced and rather than wasting it, find some way to store it whether it's batteries or something else.
Real small relative to the other comments but if a loose cart is nearby in the grocery parking lot, I'll go out of my way to return it. I know I hate seeing an "empty space" and there being a cart in the way and in that case it'll likely never get moved.
Great looking loaf!
Quick question, is there any benefit to keeping the flour on the outside before baking? I usually knock mine almost completely clean but I've been seeing more coated loaves as of late.
I've started carrying a fountain pen rather than a typical ballpoint. I think the writing experience is a bit more pleasant.
Love that Forever story is there as both original and extended version! Sticking to the strong lyricism rap themes Food and Liquor from Lupe Fiasco is great.
I think Eminem's latest project The Death of Slim Shady was a lot of fun and showed his talent as an artist but it's not for everyone thematically.
I had ordered something on the 23rd and took the free standard shipping for the 27th of December. They emailed me on the 24th that my delivery day was guaranteed to be the 24th. Any other day I would have been pretty happy but it ruined my plans since I needed a one time code to accept the package!