You can. The STL files for the case and the PCB layout are available on GitHub: There even is a section on soldering and building it yourself on the documentation.
I already wrote it in the other thread: I loved DS9 Harbinger. I remember the feeling that I could roam around on the promenade freely and explore the station (not sure if the game really was able to deliver that). It had pretty decent graphics for it's time. I wonder if there are others who also loved this game,
I played a lot of Armada (1 & 2) and loved Elite Force (1 & 2). I tried Command and Final Unity but I didn't understand English enough at the time to know what to do. My favourite game was DS9 Harbinger though because DS9 was also my favourite show.
Sadly the call features are only available in English. I really hope they come to other languages as well...
I think they are totally planning on adding the new map to GTA Online. Just like in Vice City you visited the original GTA 3 map.
So I need 100 copies then?
Papers please
Ah yes next year will be amazing for Star Citizen. I wonder when it will finally come...
OpenTTD is fantastic. But after playing Banished and ONI (among others) it is just too easy. There is no real challenge unfortunately...
- Transport Tycoon - I recently found a notebook of mine in which I wrote detailed lists of routes and vehicles. This is maybe the first game I fully embraced and played for hours.
- Dune 2 - The first RTS game I played although I had no idea what it was all about (hadn't seen the movie yet read the book at that time).
- Red Alert - The OST is still great, the FMV hasn't aged well, but gameplay is still great. The remaster is very good (alternatively use OpenRA).
- Anno 1602 (1602 A.D.) - I played the demo for hours carefully avoiding upgrading my citizens as this would end the demo. Maybe the first game I bought myself and I still have the box.
- Dungeon Keeper 2 - My first hype game. I upgraded my system for this (it was worth it).
- Gothic 2 - Maybe the first Action RPG I played and it still holds up to current titles. In some aspects it even is better than Witcher 3 which released years later.
- World of Warcraft - I played the open beta and was immediately hooked. I played until the second expansion came out.
- Banished - Still my goto game for cold winter nights. It is incredible difficult and hard to find the perfect balance. You have to force yourself to play slowly which is wonderful.
- Oxygen not included - I can play this for hours and hours. It has the same need for balance as Banished but a unique art style and endless mods on the workshop.
I also have some of the IKEA buttons. They are nice and I like the interchangeable labels which make it easy to print something yourself and just put it under the clear plastic lid if you want to customize them.
I will not buy a phone without wireless charging anymore. It is just too convenient and with proper OS support it can be configured to not drain your battery life too much.
Also I miss the smaller screen sizes. My HTC Legend was such a nice thing to hold in your hand with unique features. Smaller phones today usually lack a lot of features so they often aren't an option.