
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 months ago (2 children)

Nope, it's cetirizine, the other one you mentioned doesn't work, and Benadryl makes me sleepy. Looking at the bottle, it doesn't even list rashes or anything - just seasonal allergies lol

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Or he could do what most of the county wants, and give us meaningful change. That's what has been drawing voters since Obama, that's why Trump won in the first place - Hillary is the status quo incarnate

But we've been strung along for way too long, he needs to take a stand and make some enemies

[–] [email protected] 40 points 6 months ago (6 children)

I have allergy meds on me at all times, because sometimes I break out in hives for no reason.

One day, I'm sneezing like crazy from seasonal allergies, and my coworker asked if I tried any medicine. I suddenly realized allergy medicine works for allergies

[–] [email protected] 5 points 6 months ago

Yes. Every vagina is different, and some are both less textured and larger. Usually the texture makes it not much of a big deal, and other factors matter more

One girl where it stood out to me (my first time actually). She was also very very wet, and the three aspects together made for a much less stimulating experience. It was incredibly soft and smooth, but it was almost like a silk pillow... I'd push in at an angle and it would feel great, but then just give and slide me back into a loose grip

I think kegles could easily overcome that though... There's a lot of muscles there that can make a lot of difference. Not only does it feel better, if you develop those muscles they can twitch involuntarily when the right buttons are pushed (which is a huge turn on), and the occasional squeeze is another layer to interact on

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

John Oliver even did a thing on this, people don't care about "metadata", but ask them if they should be able to see your dick pics and people care a lot more

Well, apparently they're seeing your dick pics

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Is it really whack a mole if within minutes of federating, a simple automated tool could add them to the list with no human involvement?

I wouldn't say so, at that point it's a trivial technical challenge

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 year ago

The big deal is they didn't admit to having accidentally auctioned it (the alternative is they knowingly did so despite requests to return it), and in the same breath talked about how they offered recompense (implying that it came before the video calling them out when it didn't), and firing back on justified criticism as if they're the victim

Oh, and all while claiming they own up to their mistakes even in the face of consequences.

They bulldozed a smaller company without a hint of empathy. He doesn't consider that maybe the price could have come down or the performance (when properly used) would be worth it to a small segment of overclockers - even in the supposed mia culpa Linus takes several shots at the product he basically buried

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Why? It's easy to get a list of federated servers, in JSON no less. In an afternoon I could build a tool to block them as they come, testing included

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Oh, there's always a deal, at least for him. The rules do not apply evenly to start with, and even though he's not that rich, he's still part of the aristocracy.

Even though he broke all sorts of laws that contain the words "betrayed your nation to foreign adversaries", started a sloppy coup last time he lost an election, and basically bragged about it in between perjuring himself, the best solution for everyone is for him to quietly fade into irrelevance.

It's always better not to make a martyr if you can help it, it just isn't worth it

Plus, the cruelest punishment I can think of is letting him use up the last couple years of his charismatic energy out of the public eye, so when he inevitably comes back he'd reveal himself to be the rambling dementia patient he's been for a while.

And I don't mean that as an insult - read his speeches. His delivery is amazing. Take that away and just read them (especially from the most recent ones), and even if you realized he was spewing word salad it's still shocking

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Are those the people who have apple like a 99% satisfaction rating, and gave themselves a 95% one? I think I heard of them on Linus tech tips LMAO

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

It's not just content though, essentially it's bots.

The problem with bots isn't just spam, a social network is defined by the interaction among the community...I think that's a fair call.

I might be up for having unscripted LLMs on the network, but repost bots are like a weird smell... It's not that big a deal individually, but it'll make the community noticably worse

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 year ago

I think this is incredibly important, in some ways this instance in particular, but no one can ask for more from you

Nothing to apologize for - you're not leaving everyone high and dry, you're hanging in there and working through what sounds like a personally difficult transition.

So I'll just say this: thank you for taking the responsibility thrust on you with due seriousness. Most people don't understand the importance of community, and what we owe to it.

When you hand it over, do it knowing your part is done, fully and completely.

And if you need to step away, step away - do the exchange from a distance, and if things fall through and no one you trust is there to take it, that's okay too.

I think there's a certain amount of responsibility when you find yourself at the center of something, but that responsibility only goes so far - if you need to step down and the community won't step up, that's not on you

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