Sorry that I don't feel like defense fantasy Larping with you.
All mass shooters are fascist!? I guess fascism just means "bad" to you now.
Looks like I have got you all wrong mate. You do care about gun violence and human life. You obviously don't live in some weird revenge fantasy world where all the Nazi are coming to get you.
I know, it is pretty bizarre honestly. If I tried to pull the garbage they do I would be out of a job, arrested, and served divorce papers.
Crisis actors according to unhonestjim.
Oof a big tech expo with Putin, Kim, and Poo bear. All of the mega billionaires all hanging with all the best of politicians. Is this the time?
I would much rather see all these people discredited and exposed for the liars and deceivers they are though.
I will never forget traveling to the East Coast when I was a teenager and seeing that the other side of the train tracks wasn't just a saying. There were still restaurants blacks were not welcome at. The racism was palpable.
The actual full game release.