My kid actually plays the games: Trailmakers and Satisfactory.
My kid actually plays the games: Trailmakers and Satisfactory.
Probably gonna get a ton of hate, but...
I'd heard lots of pep talk about Linux being ready for gaming, so I tried Mint this year. Most of our Steam games didn't work right. Lots of Googling, really tried to make it work, got some to work, but ultimate just went back to Windows - all games work out of the box.
Instead of having 2**32 distros and compatibility shims, y'all need to get behind a common ecosystem that laymen can get aboard... if you want Linux to proliferate. Unfortunately the chatter here really backfired for me.
But will it be sustained? Or burn out?
As much as I know Demos are better than Repubs, this is one of those areas where they are the same picture. Long live the ruling class!
I don't think we need BK to weigh in to normalize that. Kinda cheapens it when corporations enshitify it.
Just that McDonald's (the company) didn't narc, and it's not as if Burger King (the employees) aren't just as likely to narc. BK is just taking a PR shot, which given the anti corporate greed sentiment of the whole public reaction, is a little twisted
But seriously, fuck Burger King
May I have your permission to start saying "kinda of"?
I think it was a different era, to borrow an awful phrase. In 1962 they were still figuring out best practices for reviews, tests, and audits. Even today, lone hero outputs can get pretty far when processes aren't follow.
Oh, yup: Nvidia