Some say he can declassify just by thinking about it!
In my experience, boomers will definitely say this but only mean it for their kids (assuming they don't get disowned for breaking the boomer's idea of normal). Psychologically speaking, there's a sinful lack of empathy there, but they won't hear of it.
Look deeper
Oh my Q yes!
Those were only awesome because they were one-offs. Can't replicate something that is special for that reason.
I think you're just shaking it too much. If you are gentle to avoid losing the carbonation and put the cap on tight, it can last for days.
Are you screwing the cap on all the way?
That had been my prediction. With that, Super Tuesday, and the end of her Koch money all in the same week, I guess we'll never know.
That was missing the cults ass, not Trump himself
Woah, now! That's a very specific allegation! You know perfectly well that oligarchs all over the world are laundering money to him.