A milebyte is 5280 bytes
joined 2 years ago
Did anyone say Magabyte yet?
Why do I have to be the first to ask for context? Or is this just some photoshop?
Doesn't matter if he can outrun the consequences. Pretty sad that an out of shape piece of shit like Don Poorleon can outpace the American justice system.
Woah, now! That's a very specific allegation! You know perfectly well that oligarchs all over the world are laundering money to him.
Some say he can declassify just by thinking about it!
In my experience, boomers will definitely say this but only mean it for their kids (assuming they don't get disowned for breaking the boomer's idea of normal). Psychologically speaking, there's a sinful lack of empathy there, but they won't hear of it.
Look deeper
Oh my Q yes!
Biologically, the Predators mouth seems both a vulnerability (fish hook?) and inefficient (few small teeth).