I like to use their words incorrectly to mess with them. Come up behind them playing Minecraft: "Are you playing that Roblox?" Or "For Real No Cat?'
Wait, I'm confused (out of date??) I thought it took hours to charge. Has that changed?
Omg, you had me in the first half!
Russia really won in the end
35? Have I gotten so old?
Now the ISPs can charge us if we want a public IP, so really this is a win for big ISP... not sure why you guys aren't appreciating that! /s
Something something mysterious ways! Checkmate!
Even if everyone participated, I don't think it would change anything. Even literal pitchforks can be ignored these days.
Just riling up the base. Trump will never see the inside of a cell.
It really feels like this can't continue forever (or much longer), but I can't anticipate how the correction could go down? There rich have the power, and it's never been easier to turn a blind eye to a revolution, or to extinguish one with a quick flex.
Wait, what did the E5 do wrong? Should have left it out in the intersection?
"Hold my beer" voters. And they get off on giving the middle finger to "elitists" (aka informed voters)