That's alright, there will only be a handful of gen alpha even eligible to vote in a 2029 election, since they were born 2010-not even born yet
Yup, thyroid, adrenals, and gonads have been checked, both with blood work and untrasound.
I have dysautonomia due to a brain stem herniation, and temperature regulation is effected by that, but it's just been so weird that the way this symptom effects me was decades of not feeling the cold, then suddenly now I'm not feeling the heat.
I know which one I'd choose if I got to pick.... and it's the one where I don't need to go to a wound nurse for frost nip in February.
I'm pretty sure this is the actual etymology of news.
People asking each other "what new things?" becomes "what news", as well as usage like "that information is new to me" becoming "that is news to me"
I was a year round shorts guy, genuinely didn't feel the cold. Last year I suddenly became a year round thermal stockings, skivee, thermal gloves, jumper and woollen pants guy.
I can't get warm. It's like I'm catching up on 30+ years of never feeling the cold by feeling the cold all the time.
Generally millennials born after 1989 would fall into the "younger millennial" catagory.
The difference between old millennial and young millennial is how much of the 90s you actually remember because you were old enough to form memories, and not just the kind of made up memories you invent from looking back on old photos and trying to imagine the stories your parents told you about your childhood.
The way alot, aswell and noone are combining is expected given how many other words we don't bat an eye at went the same way. "another" is the perfect example, it's just "an other" combined.
It's sort of the reverse of what happened to words like apron and newt.
The division and bracketing of phrases changes over time.
"An apron" is the modern usage of the word "napron", and a newt was originally called an eute. The grammatical need for "a" and/or "an" resulted in the root word being rebracketed and changed.
Is this common in American English? I don't think I've ever seen the word oriented double handled like that. Irregardless, it slew me
I never really understood at what point a language evolves enough to be an entirely new language.
Old English feels so far removed from even middle English, let alone modern English.
We have "new" and "old" to differentiate them, but with how many Latin words alone entered English between Old English and Modern English, It's something I've never found a comprehensive answer to.
I guess, what is it about proto-indo European that we acknowledge as a distinct language from the hundreds of thousands of languages that evolved from it, other than time scale and global impact.
In my country, a fanny is a cunt, so hearing Americans call bum-bags "fanny packs" was, and still is, hilarious to me.
But I will be exclusively referring to my bum bag as my "strap on" from now on. Thank you, groucho's mom.
Three words. Edward scissors hands.
Some people think cilantro tastes awful, and I don't understand those people on that point either.
You don't understand that some people have a genetic mutation that causes their taste buds to be more sensitive to the flavour compounds in cilantro, including Aldehyde?
What is hard to understand?
Aldehydes are a flavour compound in cilantro that in small doses gives a fresh, light and vibrant taste. Aldehydes are also present in the soap making process, various other cleaning agents, as well as being released by certain insects.
If you taste a lot of these specific Aldehydes, you will taste soap. But cilantro doesn't contain enough Aldehyde for most people to notice any fowl tastes.
That is, unless you are an X-man with mutant taste buds.
Their taste buds pick up on the Aldehydes, and therefore cilantrotastes like soapy stink bugs.
It doesn't mean I don't accept them for who they are.
looks gross.
You don't get to claim you accept people for who they are, then call them or aspects of their appearance "gross".
If you truly believed that people can have preferences we don't agree with, then you would keep your mouth shut when you see a piercing you don't like, but that clearly they like having.
Accepting people starts with learning that if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.
Lonnie is feminine where you live?
It's a typical "dad got me a job in the mailroom in '62, and I've been the mail room manager ever since" sheltered, working class old white guy who thinks he's middle class because he doesn't understand how rich the rich are, but he sure knows the poor aren't trying hard enough and kids these days eat too many avocados, but he doesn't bring it up unless you ask him directly.
He's a bit off with the fairies but he's only a little racist compared to mates his age, that old Lonnie.