
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Vlc is also hosted in France, where software patents aren't legal.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

You get healthcare, always. Not just when you have a job. You get security around your job, so your employer can't just go "lol, you're fired, stfu". You get "theoretically" enough money to live when you do get fired.

And you get that, regardless of your employment status. Everybody, from students, to fast food workers, to the nice rich software developers. Sure, you NEED it less if you're a software developer, I almost certainly pay more in taxes than I get in tax-related value. But it also means that if my arms fall off one day, I'll still be living in a country that will ensure I'm relatively healthy, homed, and fed.

Co-operation is why humans are so successful. If everybody was only ever out for themselves, we'd still all be scrabbling around in caves looking for food. Helping 100 people get educated so 50 of them can be useful members of society is still better than having 10 of them get supported through their parents, and letting the other 90 fail.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago

I'm not american, so I don't have a horse in this race. But I believe that being racist to fix equity is a terrible compromise. It's putting people of a certain ethnicity (white & asian) into their own little box with more competition.

Give black & hispanic people monetary aid. Aid them more in high school by assisting black majority schools. But if the system lets you say the sentence "I would have gotten into X university if I was a different race", then the system is broken.

Finally, it's not usually "black people" vs "white people", it's "poor people" vs "rich people". Black/hispanic people might be over-represented in the poor group, which is a huge problem. But aiding the poor is completely non-racist, benefits virtually everybody, and has the side effect of slowly reducing the amount of poor black/hispanic people

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago

I'm not american, so I don't have a horse in this race. But I believe that being racist to fix equity is a terrible compromise. It's putting people of a certain ethnicity (white & asian) into their own little box with more competition.

Give black & hispanic people monetary aid. Aid them more in high school by assisting black majority schools. But if the system lets you say the sentence "I would have gotten into X university if I was a different race", then the system is broken.

Finally, it's not usually "black people" vs "white people", it's "poor people" vs "rich people". Black/hispanic people might be over-represented in the poor group, which is a huge problem. But aiding the poor is completely non-racist, benefits virtually everybody, and has the side effect of slowly reducing the amount of poor black/hispanic people.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago (6 children)

WSL2 is essentially a VM, and doesn't seem to have any weird bugs or gotcha's anymore (at least for command line programs). I don't use it for work, but playing around with it as a hobby, it seems fairly solid.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Even if she left voluntarily, she still might be legally entitled to stuff. It varies so much from country to country, but you really need a lawyer to sort through messy shit like this, even if it's just for initial advice. If you don't get it sorted out with it down in writing, it can be a huge issue years later if she decides she needs money or something.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

AFAIK you can't collapse comments on kbin, which is the main reason I stuck with a lemmy instance.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago (1 children)

They're not different to the consumer. Either way they're a surcharge to the store price of the item, and most places in the world include it on the sticker.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Honestly, given how they seem to drop off at higher levels I've been considering homebrewing different rules for summons.

My current idea is to keep the scaling consistent, so something like (spell level * 2) - 3. Level 1/2 would be the same (-1, 1 receptively), but then it'd keep incrementing by 2 every level up till a max of level 17 for a level 10 spell. Another option is (spell level * 2) - 2, but I think that might be too strong at the level you get the creature.

I'll have to actually play with this rule at a higher level to see if it unbalances it, but IMO it looks like summons just get worse and worse at high level.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Riding other players is always a terrible idea, and already possible due to stuff like wild shape (or enlarge I suppose).

I can see the reach issue being a problem, one potential solution they could use is to add it as a level 5 heritage feat. Ruling it as needing practice to use your reach effectively or something.

Honestly, removing the damage dice mechanic from PF1 (and a similar problem in 5e), already solves one of the biggest issues of large creatures.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

I'm tentatively excited about it, multiplayer is great, though I do worry they're going to "mobile gamify" it too much - think D3.

I do wish someone would make a PF2 game though. Kingmaker/WOTR are really fun (needs multiplayer), but PF1 just feels so clunky, even through a CRPG.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago

Honestly, essentials shouldn't be (majority) privately owned. This includes water, sewage, electricity, most roads, and internet.

To me, as the cables in the US are privately owned it seems that unless you "luck out", you essentially have 1 realistic option for internet. I've been told that it's fairly regional, so apparently it's not so bad in the major cities.

In ~99% of NZ the internet (fibre) cables are either crown-company owned (essentially state), or joint owned by private/public. This essentially makes EVERY ISP buy their bandwidth off the cable owner. There is no ISP monopoly (only a physical cable monopoly), and just like power companies, changing ISP's is trivial. I think a lot of europe does something similar too, and apparently some cities in the US do this too.

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