
joined 2 years ago
[–] DigDoug 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Religion is always socially conservative. Fiscal conservatism doesn't tend to jive with the teachings of most religions.

The fact that they tend to vote conservative anyway may show where their priorities lie, but I wasn't lying when I said that most pastors were socialists in the early 20th century - it should be a natural consequence of believing in the teachings of Jesus.

[–] DigDoug 26 points 1 year ago (16 children)

There's an episode of Behind the Bastards called "How the Rich Ate Christianity" about how certain people essentially constructed the religious right. In the early 20th century, the majority of pastors were socialists.

[–] DigDoug 20 points 1 year ago

Gamedevs would prefer that one pirate the game outright than use shady key resellers.

[–] DigDoug 4 points 1 year ago

Fedora was never that great to begin with

I always just found it to be really, really, ridiculously slow. I swear DNF might rival Windows in terms of update slowness and it seems to permeate the whole system.

[–] DigDoug 1 points 2 years ago


A lot of people really love Luc Lemay's vocals, and I think they're fine for the most part. It's just that I feel like he strays off the line between "Dark, menacing vocals for uncompromising music" and "Hilarious pained wailing" just a little bit too often.

[–] DigDoug 1 points 2 years ago (4 children)

This really feels like another one of those bandwagon pet peeves, like Comic Sans, pineapple on pizza, or toilet paper orientation. Like, if it pisses you off so much, then don't reward the creator by watching their video. In fact, the addon kind of defeats its own purpose by making you more likely to do just that.

[–] DigDoug 3 points 2 years ago

I built my first PC in a Bitfenix Prodigy. The blue LEDs they used for the power and HDD activity lights were brighter than a thousand suns. I ended up disconnecting them.

[–] DigDoug 4 points 2 years ago

While I admit that the timing with Red Hat's closed-sourcing is really bad, and I'm also going to start avoiding Fedora for the same reason, saying that opt-in telemetry (that one can literally read the source code of) is "putting dollars first" is really dumb. Do you think the same about Debian's popularity-contest, which has existed since 2004?

[–] DigDoug 14 points 2 years ago

This really depends on your definition of "stability".

The technical definition is "software packages don't change very often". This is what makes Debian a "stable" distro, and Arch an "unstable" one.

The more colloquial definition of "stability" is "doesn't break very often", which is what people usually mean when they ask for "stable" distributions. The main problem with recommending a distro like this, is that it's going to depend on you as a user, and also on your hardware.

I, personally, have used Arch for about 5 years now, and it's only ever broken because I've done something stupid. I stopped doing stupid things, and Arch hasn't broken since. However, I've also spoken to a few people who have had Arch break on them, but 9 times out of 10, they point to the Nvidia driver as the culprit, so it seems you'll have a better time if you have an AMD GPU, for example.

[–] DigDoug 8 points 2 years ago (1 children)

such as the GUI installer pamac allowing unsuspecting users to trivially install unvetted packages from the AUR without even a clear indication they may be dangerous

Unless something has changed since the last time I used Manjaro, this isn't actually true. You have to go relatively deep into Pamac's settings menu to enable AUR packages, and when you do, a popup comes up telling you what the AUR is and why it might be dangerous (although iirc, it neglects to tell you that an extra reason is Manjaro packages being out of date).

Not that I'm pro-Manjaro, for all the other reasons you've given.

[–] DigDoug 8 points 2 years ago (1 children)

They don't exclusively do retro stuff, but Digital Foundry's DFRetro series is brilliant.

[–] DigDoug 3 points 2 years ago

Exactly. There's a reason that people keep talking about putting site:reddit.com at the end of Google searches. It's because it's one of the best ways to filter out the chaff and get to content that is actually likely to be helpful. If enough of the helpful/knowledgeable people who write those comments leave Reddit that people stop thinking of it as a one-stop-shop for good information, that's when Reddit will start dying.

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