It's been found that numbers displayed in dispensaries have been inflated upwards of 15%.
Thanks dude! The smoke is great for only being about a week into the cure. It's a real heavy high if I smoke multiple bowls. It smells great too. Each pheno has its own distinct smell. There's strawberry and cream, strawberry yogurt, gassy cheese, and the last one is just overall fruity.
I don't have a press yet. On the list but the budget is hella tight after buying everything for the flood and drain setup. Straight kief bowls for days!
I'm 34 with a full time paying job while my wife has 2 jobs. We don't even have 1k between checking and savings after all the bills have been paid. We're one broken bone or ER trip away from a disaster. No need to worry though. I've heard the economy is doing FANTASTIC.
Yo dude, solve for x (this is me throwing it back to you)
You've earned this title
I'm planning on getting a small dedicated fridge to store my cannabis and seeds. Much better for long term storage.
Stumbled across this post while scrolling all. While I don't have kids, I feel I can still contribute with a recent niece and nephew story.
A few weeks ago, my wife and I had them over for a weekend sleepover before Christmas break was over and they had to go back to school. We were getting ready to play some Mario Party on the switch. Well.. After the niece and nephew, both 10 and 6, got their joycons out I remind them to put on their safety strap. We start calling for auntie so we can start. She heads over and grabs her joycon, but she does not put her safety strap on.
So naturally, the 6yr old blurted out "Auntie get your strap on!"
We start laughing, which in turns make them start laughing. They double down and the 10yr joins in. They start chanting in unison
Auntie get your strap on!
Auntie get your strap on!
Auntie get your strap on!
We both died a little bit that day.
The test was fitting the shaped blocks in the corresponding shaped holes, but all shapes fit in the square hole. Aced.
Go get em champ!
Dude my sincere condolences. I hope you're able to get it all back up and reinforced soon.
As a millennial, I'm rooting for the zoomers. They're angry and I love it.
Thanks dude! I was hella stoked to pull a pound from this 3x3!