Worth checking out?
Joshua Weissman did a really good 3 ingredients video Ive linked on YT.
I genuinely believe that the best case scenario for America is that it all goes to shit SO FAST that even his most ardent supporters have to say "No, this is fucked. He needs to go."
Depends on the workplace.
I deal well with my job because I walk in and get told "Get this done today" and then I get left the hell alone to get it done. The boss knows better than to micromanage me or I deliberately drag chain.
Leave the highly caffeinated lunatic to his job and shit gets done. Derail my process and chaos will happen.
Absolutely. I'm having fun watching because he is clearly having fun creating.
If you want to watch a fabulously flamboyant gay man cook disgusting vintage recipes check out "Eye Spy Antiques" on YT.
A lot of fun.
I think that Ixnay was their last "Raw" album, Americana was great but it was their first mainsteam album. They are both 10/10 but for different reasons.
I am forever grateful that I just missed camera tech becoming cheap and ubiquitous.
Smartphones are what forced me out of the street racing scene. (Yes, I was a dumbass) Once I saw the first spectator recording races with an Iphone I dipped, I knew that shit was going straight to facebook.
Dungeon Crawler Carl.
Dear god I love that series.
I'm Australian and I saw US coverage on our news literally within an hour of the event "Police and FBI are treating this as a potential terrorist incident."