Yeah, I thought the edit was giving me "All Lives Matter" vibes.
but most transphobes seem to “only” want to ban any and all medical interventions for underage people.
You might want to check recent GOP bills in various states, this is very much not the case and they're targeting adults as well. They're just using the child angle to further their heinous behavior with less judgement.
I used to run 5e for years and also use to make all kinds of house rules and systems just like this to get it to run how I wanted it to because it doesn't do much outside of combat out of the box. I read through the PF2e rulebook and kicked myself for not switching sooner because they have a rule for damn near everything I would want to run and super balanced at the same time.
Life of a Peasant
That's a core memory from out of the depths, thanks for the reminder.
I might be interested in reading the rest of that review if it's available to read online. That's a great opener lol
Really brave of them, that's not an easy thing to do considering the circumstances they're under. I hope they all stay safe during their protests. Or that there was anything I could do to help them.
you really have to have a good long hard think about your life.
Or, just enjoy the booty. I know I do.
You got a link? Sounds like a fun read.
It's best to go with your partner so you can have fun picking toys and things together. I could see how it might be depressing if you're by yourself.
Yeah, but I'll probably do it at least two more times before the day is over.
Sounds like a weird version of a political compass but with real world effects instead of terrible memes.