Say, that does look like Blade Runner...
It's scary because it's falling on a lot of us. And it won't just be the US that it falls on either.
That's kind of a difficult thing to determine, when asked almost no one says they are, but if asked about policies, they tend to go for more progressive policies, even people that identify as conservatives will agree with more progressive policies. The people they vote for however, are definitely not progressive... Mostly, there are a few.
Then again, progressive in America is pretty much basic human rights and protecting vulnerable people which should be the minimum.
I think it was both playing chicken against each other. Dem leadership refused to listen to "progressives", I E.: things that most Americans wanted, and the voters refused to vote until the Dems listened to them.
So they crashed into each other and now the country is going to burn down.
Maybe if you imagined then being played angrily by tiny little opera phantoms it would help.
Probably a bunch of footage that would make them look worse. The usual stuff, making fun of victims and then saying racist shit.
Pointing out racism is not you making everything about racism, it's there being a lot of racist shit.
If he didn't try a coup after he lost the last election, you might be able to give him the benefit of the doubt.
It's far, far less than Israel has killed. Before Oct 7th, it was about ten to one Palestinians killed for every Israeli killed. Now it's much much worse and getting worse everyday. Or does that not matter?
Now, can we say Hamas is bad? Of course we can, but by whatever metrics we use to call out Hamas as being bad, Israel is at least ten times worse.
You can't bring in the amount of children Hamas has killed, and at the same time ignore that Is real has killed way more, and expect people to take you seriously. And if you want to try to play the "who shot first" game, that was also Israel, forcing its way into the land that they now occupy. And every square inch they have invaded since.
This is better than their AI commercial.