I'm confused, Snoop or Jay-Z where? The comment says Jay-Z but the article is about Snoop, are they really close? Did Jay-Z also play at this event?
What does one have to do with the other?
Isn't that the point though? Why would anyone rather be the CEO of a company over just retiring and surfing or traveling or writing poetry etc.... Being a CEO is a type of mental illness at some point.
If only we could get some decent budget gpus
This is funded by the British government. So that hot water isn't so much free as funded by the British people.
From the article, it sounds like they're going to be using the customers Internet service.
This is not sending 100% of the heat into the hot water. You will be responsible for that excess heat. That's why these trials are being run during the winter time. Expect the cost to run your AC in the summer to go up.
Why would you wantonly let a billion dollar corporation into your home. When does that ever work out for people.
They are cutting a hole into the side of your hot water heater. If you or they decide not to continue with this who pays to repair that hole, I doubt it's the company.
I think they should have just made it out of aluminum and sold a bunch of them. I think this is like the first EV I actually think is cool lol.
As a Lakers fan....I disagree lol
No, the initial comment is just confusing. Why is Jay-Z being mentioned in the first place? He's not mentioned in the article that was posted and he wasn't present at the event the article was written about, so what relevance does Jay-Z play in this?