Yeah I think we all knew that was bullshit.
Yeah! Maybe not...everyone from that sub though...
I think that ship may have sailed about 70 years ago.
Here's an article on the amendment with some more explanation, if you're not inclined to parse that document.
Fundamentally, the new language proposed for inclusion in the 2023 NDAA focuses on reporting procedures related to UAP, along with ensuring transparency on information the Pentagon collects about unrecognized aerial objects encountered by members of the armed forces. The bill’s language calls for ensuring that data collected about UAP is shared with the UAP Task Force’s successor, the Airborne Object Identification Management and Synchronization Group (AOIMSG), as well as by offering protections for those who come forward with such information.
Among the key elements included within the bill’s language are takeaways that include:
- Nondisclosure orders and written agreements will not prohibit the disclosure of UAP information to the UAPTF or the Office.
- That the Intelligence Community shall establish a system for reporting of UAP-related information, regardless of classification level, to the UAPTF or the Office.
- Language calling for the protection of witnesses that share UAP-related information from liability, as well as retaliation, for the breach of NDA.
In effect, this legislation would allow for witnesses or personnel, who have information or data at a higher classification level or SAP, to provide members of UAPTF or the Office with data that UAPTF are not cleared for or “read-into.” Additionally, by doing so, witnesses or personnel, who would otherwise be breaching their NDA by disclosing information, will no longer be found to be in breach, and therefore are free from prosecution or sanctions.
Link doesn't work. Please edit your post to include the text, or I'll have to remove it.
I think religion is one of the primary reasons that we haven't had disclosure to this point, as frankly it cannot continue to exist afterward. I'm already experiencing a good amount of ontological shock -- imagine how those cults like Elevation will react. These people truly only behave because they believe some creator is watching them. There will be blood in the streets when they realize that's not true.
Personally, interdimensional beings don't faze me. In fact, they seem like the most likely explanation given the hard limitations of the speed of light. I could believe there is a way to circumvent that limit with wormholes or something, but is that really any different than interdimensional travel?
It's funny, I had come to the conclusion that "saucer" type UFOs were an invention of books and film, and not likely to be the real shape of any kind of craft, but more and more I see descriptions of them. I think that's one of the hardest things for me to accept, because I've been programmed all my life to think that those are fictitious. It's difficult to come to terms with that possibility. Especially because I have this nagging memory from around 1999 where I saw one of them flying over my neighborhood. It's very easy, decades later, to chalk that up to a child's imagination (and boy did I have a wild one), but some of the descriptions of saucers have made me question that too.
That mega link is full of crazy shit. The most believable thing I saw is the MJ-12 manual for crash retrieval procedures. It feels exactly as sterile and matter-of-fact as I would expect from a government manual that discusses how to handle cleanup of alien crash sites.
But yeah, there's waaaay too much to look at there. Frankly a lot of it is dubious at best, but at this point I can't tell which things are too far-fetched and which ones are plausible. One hang up I have is the conflict between the claimed technologies. Granted, all the docs I read about it were (apparently) from the 60s or earlier, so maybe something changed since then but they commonly talk about nuclear propulsion and turbine designs. This jives with the idea of places like Lockheed Martin using the tech to develop planes and such, but then where does the gravity manipulation (E115) come from?
Then there's the letter where someone claims that EMEs have been polluting Earth and shit and causing climate change to kill off people I guess? I'm willing to accept that my worldview could change a lot in the near future but that's...a lot.
EDIT: Oh yeah and also alien invasion imminent 2030.
How are these people so utterly oblivious?
Honestly at this point it would be less surprising than some of the things people have said recently.
Doesn't look like anything to me.
What a terrible interviewer... Can we please get Ross on with somebody professional?