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[–] Dashi 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I'm sorry did me saying man up tilt you? Or hit to close to home?

[–] Dashi 1 points 1 year ago

100% there is a risk for that. That's why you take all the precautions you reasonably can. Pappa always said "don't stick it in crazy". The older i get the wiser that man becomes.

Ideally we don't have to deal with that and every couple is happy, but that isn't the case all the time. I'm pro choice for a reason. Mistakes happen and sometimes it is better for everyone that the baby doesn't come into the world. But if it does and the father just bails and tries to say it's not his that's what gets me. You played the game, you lost, deal with it. Even if the relationship doesn't work out with the mother, do what you can to make the child's life better.

[–] Dashi 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (4 children)

"Necrod" for responding to a response to me when i haven't checked lemmy messages in 2 days so i didn't know anyone responded to me? Ffs man/woman/whatever. I just responded to the two other people that responded to me as well.

Also I'm pro choice, all about people having the choice of abortions. I never once said don't get an abortion. And if you are to lazy to read the whole response why respond? I'm just out here trying to have a semi intelligent conversation.

[–] Dashi 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I am 100% pro choice. With that choice though is her option to keep the baby. And if they do hopefully it is a good relationship and the man steps up.

If it isn't and they don't want to stay together at least the man can avoid fighting her over shit and just man up, admit the child is his and pay/ deal with the issues.

[–] Dashi 0 points 1 year ago (6 children)

I stated nowhere that we are saints. I sure as hell am not one. I don't give a shit of people plan ahead or don't.

If you can't resist your primal urges, an freak accident happens and she gets pregnant and wants to keep it? Man the fuck up and claim it as yours. Don't make someone that is already going through a lot have to force you to acknowledge the child. And if you don't want the child step out of its life but you will still be passing child support.

You don't want to deal with all that as a possibility? Well you best damn resist those primal urges because that is a possibility.

[–] Dashi 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I'm suggesting, if you play the game you need to deal with the consequences one way out another.

Have an abortion, don't have an abortion, give it up for adoption up to you. But if you play the game you need to 1. Be safe 2. Be ready to deal with consequences because pregnancy is a know outcome of "the game".

My gf and i are not planning on having kids yet so she wanted to be on birth control. If it happens that she gets pregnant i will step up and be a dad, just sooner than anticipated.

Do what you want with who you want just be smart about it is all i ask. Fuck politics bringing a child into this world isn't an easy thing to do even if you are ready much less if you are not

[–] Dashi 1 points 1 year ago

While i disagree with you, i don't see you editing your posts. No idea where that argument is coming from

[–] Dashi 7 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I read it as a way to filter/ sort the results. For instance i tag a single tag 'DnD' on a post, it would show higher up on the results list than a post tagged with 'DnD', 'fantasy', 'tabletop','minis','#cute'. This would encourage concise taging vs spamming as many tags as you can.

Just my interpretation though, could be wrong.

[–] Dashi 1 points 1 year ago

I mean, that's possible. Really the HR team needs to have a process and stick to that process for everyone.

I had a client that installed cameras in their assembly general work floor for insurance reasons. The workers got all up in arms about privacy and micro managing. After the first week the only person that logged into it was me for quarterly updates. Until a year and change later when they had a $50k inventory discrepancy. The workers were happy we could point to the external cleaning company with video proof.

If you have a boss that is micro managing you, with keystroke kpi's, or mouse movement, it isn't a technology issue. It's a shit manager. IT can see a lot, but to be honest we don't care or have time to go snooping. Same with God managers/work places.

But I've seen small companies ran into the ground because of one or two bad actors.

Don't be the reason your company looks to implement software like this. And if they do anyway find a better company to work for if you don't trust they are acting in good faith.

[–] Dashi 1 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Agreed. If your employer is happy with your work they probably wouldn't be using this software.

The problem is you can't/shouldn't install the software on a single person's computer as that is targeting them and against several labor laws.

Moral of my story, don't be the reason someone needs to install this type of monitoring/software.

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