
joined 2 years ago
[–] Dashi 0 points 1 year ago

Military members of either side have the option to not shoot the human shields. Yes, maybe it will require a surgical strike via spec ops instead of a javelin missle. Maybe you can't blow up that military target due to it being in a hospital. Sure militarily that is a less than ideal outcome but then you would not be on the global stage needing to defend your warcrimes.

Just a thought

[–] Dashi 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

This is what got me. 1. I couldn't believe he would come out and say it. 2. When i watch the clip he was saying "Just ask Earth"

What do you mean ask earth? Is it a dumb way of saying "the history books will tell the tale" or "the people will know what happened". Just ask earth... i thought he was advocating about global warming or some shit

[–] Dashi 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I'm the same, i like the way my truck looks. Is it great these days? Nope it's an old 08 with a little rust, ok a lot but hush, i love it anyway. Do i need a truck 97% of the time? Nope but that 3% of the time i do its amazing. And those people i pull out of random ditches in the winter will appreciate it I'm sure.

[–] Dashi 26 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Been in IT for 18 years. I have smart home stuff because i got tired of sitting down on the couch with my beer, que poped for my game and then realizing i forgot to turn off the kitchen light. So yup, smart house, cameras, locks etc because it's fun. Can someone hack my house? Sure, but they could just as easily put a brick through the window and come in. A lot more people are qualified to do that than hack my voice controlled lights.

[–] Dashi 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (3 children)

To my recollection he is past that. So if you are a one and done contract 4/5 years you actually sign up for 8 years total (its in the fine print) . You do your 4/5 active then you go into what is called the inactive reserves. You don't report to anyone or do anything but during that 3/4 years you can be called up to service again. And that is how they are typically reactivated and then punished. Since this guy is at 12 years total he is past that 8 years and it would be much harder to reactivate him.

I'm not an expert either just saw someone have this happen to them. Also this isn't saying if he should or should not get punished under the UCMJ just sharing some thoughts on how it could/ could not happen.

[–] Dashi 3 points 1 year ago

Thank you! That makes sense, i appreciate your time and thoroughness of your response!

[–] Dashi 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I would love to know why if you have more info to share

[–] Dashi 7 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)


Is the article that your link refrences. Yeah, i mean i agree with it those are not great mold/broken pipes. But it wasn't meant to be a 5 star resort either. I spent 2 years stationed at Marine Corps Base Hawaii in a barracks that couldn't be torn down because it was a historical monument because it had bullet holes from ww2. Shit sucked. None of the barracks i lived in had security cameras back in 2010. We had a couple guys in duty that roamed the area. We didn't have heaters because we were stained in a area that didn't need them. I don't know what the current standards are.

[–] Dashi 3 points 1 year ago (4 children)

My proof is 5 years of service in the military spending every Thursday cleaning for 4-5 hours for field day inspection where the higher ups go through the barracks on Friday to make sure they are clean.

[–] Dashi 10 points 1 year ago (9 children)

Hmm, what do you mean by this? And any proof/citations? When i was in the Baracks were old but immaculate.

[–] Dashi 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

There is nothing wrong with differing opinions and it is, in my opinion, the lack of the ability to have a civil conversation about those differences that has lead to some divides that we are seeing in the world today.

You cannot argue that eventually a fetus becomes a person. It's just when that happens that you can argue. It's it the first, second, third trimester, when it leaves the vaginal canal, or when the umbilical cord is snipped. And maybe fetus isn't the right term. Eventually the thing growing inside a woman during pregnancy becomes a person. I also have not said in my opinion when that happens as I'm not nearly educated enough in that realm. I just said something along the lines of "seems a little late" or something along those lines in regards to the 5 month abortion time.

I think that if a guy impregnates a girl and splits they should be paying child support during the pregnancy. As for obligations the government has to keep the un born child/fetus/person alive? I don't know. Thinking about it as i have over the past couple days, I do think abortion should unquestionably be allowed up to the third tri mester. It's just after that where it starts to get into that gray area for me personally.

As for government forced procedures it would be on them to prove the burden of the "greater good" in my opinion. I cannot see a reason for the government to force a pregnancy through from day 1 to birth "for the greater good". In my opinion a case could be made to "force/require/mandate" a woman that is the day before her due date to cary the child to term, that case could be the fetus is a person and has a right to life, do i agree with the argument? I don't know but a case could be made. I would personally be interested in knowing why the woman wants to abort the day before delivery. And it all comes back to when that fetus/child/ whatever you want to call it becomes a person in my opinion.

The government already has the ability to overrule healthcare officials right? They need to be licensed through the state to practice, that's my understanding at least. As for your private medical data? You keep that as long as you don't participate in any government medical aid/programs. I would love to see free medical for everyone via government. But you will give up some privacy from the government in that case. Should your medical records be out their for everyone to see? No. But the appropriate programs/entities with reasonable use should have access. For instance if someone wants a new liver, their previous drug/alchohol information should be taken into account. Should government sponsored food stamps have access to your medical history? No.

Just because one entity has access to your data doesn't mean it should be shared with the world. If the government has access to your medical information potential employers, government agencies or private sector, should not have access to it. Anti Discrimination laws are still in place and should be upheld. Do those laws get violated? Sure, all laws do. But we need laws of some sort in place. If you disagree with them get out and vote, protest, lobby for change.

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