The Fight Phase happens in two subphases. First all units with the Fights First rule can fight, and then all other eligible units. In both cases, the player whose turn it ISN'T chooses first, then it alternates. However, the defending player often doesn't have any units with Fights First, which is most commonly gained by charging, so in praxis the attacking player usually can go first.
Not gonna lie, I was really hoping for winged Warriors / Shrikes to be revealed. I've got several, and they just flat out don't exist anymore.
Hallo da!
120mm in length, 80mm in width assuming you count the widest points, which are the exhaust modules. Without those it's closer to 73mm in width.
Yes, the horse, legs, and sword-arm came from the fantasy Empire General kit.
I think so, but to be honest, I'm not completely used to this instance system yet.
I've got a couple of Winsor & Newton Series 7 brushes, which are my "good ones". Additionally, a bunch of old Citadel brushes in various conditions for when that's good enough.