It's interesting to see how the traffic is after 1st of July. I hate to speculate but I wouldn't be surprised when an article will comes out, stating traffic has not changed after 1st of July.
Could you give us an update after your.... endeavours... how it went?
Ow haha sorry I went of the rails with my emotions in the reply but it sure is my personal experience. I came from the S10 which was the perfect size to me. About half a year after I got the S22+ my girlfriend got the s23 (so not the +) and I am a bit jealouse of her cause the phone is just a bit better in every aspect that I care about.
For reference my personal favorite phones have been the samsung S5 and samsung S10. Of both I have had atleast 2 versions.
I chose the s22+ due to battery size and I hate every minute with the flat brick. It is large, battery isn't great either. Camera is bad.
My work payed for the device but I regret buying this thing every day.
I have a calendar item for when I can order a new phone. And for 1 symbolic euro I can buy the device after 2 years and it's not worth a single euro to me.
Glad when I can send this monster away.
This would be a perfect way to get an easy transition for certain subreddits. I even have a few in mind.
However what is the risk of getting in trouble for plagiarism, and risking a cease and desist?
Haha nice, for me it was the other way around. When I traveled alot Sync was my go to app due to the offline capability. It was perfect back then, like over 10 years ago, not sure if I even had an account for reddit. I ised to switch to bacon reader and maybe one other app. Not sure which one. Then a friend showed me Relay. He didn't think much of it but he said something along the lines of "you can do everything with a single thumb. You can do pretty much everything with slide actions". When I checked it out I jused loved the look and feel of the app. So yeah, my vote is for Relay ^_^
Hello fellow Relay user! Relay was the only reason I used Reddit on my phone. I tried many others, but the sliding Relay implemented was just so perfect for me.
I hope the creator will make a comparable app for the fediverse platforms! I suppose his energy is at an all time low after the Reddit fail...
Love Revanced so much. Used Vanced till the bitter end. Dreaded the idea I had to switch but love Revanced every single bit as I loved Vanced. For My chromecast with android TV I recommend SmartTube!
It's like every wednesday a weekly timer resets and you get 1 crate and 1 skin/spray if I recall correctly. Not perfectly sure how it works cause I have zero care for them. Here is an article explaining it in full.