In France they are known for this thing with their language where anything that doesn't sound like parisine french they call it "patois" (I think I wrote it correctly?). You probably won't have this problem if you go to the south of France.
Exactly what I came to say. Those guys ara activists pro-oil performing a false flagg attack.
Jokes aside, I think the correct one should be "binaria" because it's "persona no-binaria", where "persona" being a female-gendered word still includes everybody (persono doesn't even exist).
Good to know that stackoverflow will not be a trustable place to find solutuons anymore.
Shelbyville Manhattan approves 👍
Absolutely agree. No human made, not art.
In Spain it was "snow".
So? (says while using terminal with gibberish commands to mere mortals)
No women in sight 🤔
Those endless saturday morning moments before anything showed up on screen.
TV had an end. After a last program or movie that ended after midnight, broadcast stopped and it only showed the test card.
No. Majority of women wear it because of sexist opression. They don't have the real choice of not wearing it even if they believe they wear it "because I want to".
Also, using nuns is not a valid argument, because