I stopped using electric brush because I didn't feel nearly as clean as manual.
... or to hide their own imperialism.
Folders, subfolders and a system to organize bookmarks into them... More or less, it's not always efficient enough for me to remember where I kept that cool random brackets generator web I once found, but I'm fine with it.
Useles in pans, unfortunately, because they scratch the teflon.
People would do the weirdest things...
"So, as I was saying officer, as I am not a trained trolley operator I didn't knew the lever was a mechanism for it to do thinks, so I watched in horror as it approached the... (tries hard to hide smile)"
Most people I know name it after some kind of microorganism 😆
You don't need to sell it to me, I already love it.
A thin wooden toothpick (those rounded, not those flat), can do the job.
Yet another reason to hate funkos, in case there weren't enough
I'm going to cunduct a deeper investigation, because I am not sure if that's a G.I.Joe MCC missile.
EDIT: it's a VAMP v2 missile.