I literally laughed at your comment, knowing that even american based food brands selling in Europe manufacture their shit in european soil with different ingredients because lots of the ones they use in USA are forbidden here.
Essentially he is against regulations regarding privacy that EU countries fortunately insisted be part of this summit. Edit: so glad to be european.
I've been using linix for like 18 years and I still prefer GUI over CLI hands down. Make things easy by letting me click on some nicely explained buttons.
Also, being sick is not being lazy.
1-School and college exams in Europe are most usually in "write everything you know" mode.
2-You are clearly talking about some non-bic branded pens.
They were actually updated in mid 90s when they made the cap have a hole in it.
American bics may be made in a different way because here in Spain they are so reliable they are a de facto standard for people taking an exam.
If you really believe that the USA has "100-years tradition of upkeeping democracy against major non-democratic players" you are in delusion.
I'm going to cunduct a deeper investigation, because I am not sure if that's a G.I.Joe MCC missile.
EDIT: it's a VAMP v2 missile.
I stopped using electric brush because I didn't feel nearly as clean as manual.
I may be alone in this, buy I don't plan to stop using Firefox in the near future and, despite everything, believe it's not a big deal, at least as of now.