joined 2 years ago
[–] DV8 4 points 2 days ago (5 children)

How is CS2 working on it? I know I could just try to get it running myself on a spare pc, but I find that as I get older I dislike fiddling with things like this more and more. And while I'm fine with just playing games made to work properly on Linux, CS2 and it's predecessors is something me and my real life friends have been playing for nearly two decades. It's a way to keep in touch as everyone has kids and can't come to the pub during the weekend.

[–] DV8 3 points 5 days ago (1 children)

It's suggested more than it helps, especially on MS support pages, but for sure sfc fixes a particular set of problems. Out of about 16 times I've used it professionally it's solved the issue about 12 or so times. (In 20 years, so damn you for making me feel old) And when it didn't it's usually because the file is also corrupt in dllcache.

Chkdsk is/was useful, imho, if you run it with the /r parameter. In my experience it became irrelevant for user systems with ssd's.

Both are tools. Don't blame the tool for being used for something they're not meant for. You could technically use a power drill to hit nails in a wall, sometimes, but someone suggesting a power drill in place of a hammer doesn't mean it's a bad tool.

[–] DV8 5 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Man that's crazy, I speak French with an undertone of a Belgian accent, but pretty close to French general accent (I know every dept has their accent, chill!), but Canadians have an extremely heavy and weird non standard accent compared to other people.

[–] DV8 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I do agree that with changing stewards it's stupid. But when you look at how Norris went unpunished for literally creating an extremely unsafe situation after the aborted start it's high time they start giving out harsher penalties. And I'm undoubtedly biased myself but it's always British drivers who get away with that bullshit it seems.

[–] DV8 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (3 children)

The commentary being salty about British drivers being punished is so delicious. They complain it's inconsistent but honestly it's the first time I think British drivers are being punished to the same degree as others have always been.

[–] DV8 23 points 3 weeks ago

Some reason being that if you don't maintain a certain temperature in your house you'll get mildew problems.

[–] DV8 2 points 3 weeks ago

This year was already a battle, especially compared to last year. Red Bull wasn't nearly as dominant, especially with Checo heavily under delivering. Max is just so good that with what is basically just the 4th best car, he is still more consistently better.

[–] DV8 6 points 3 weeks ago

Fair point that roads should be designed a lot better, but in the mean time, if you're going to be driving on roads that got put down originally 50 years ago without cycling paths and no lights in the middle of farmland. Wear the high Viz gear or make sure you have working lights and reflectors.

[–] DV8 10 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

What? Where is this? In Belgium you'd get pulled over for sure. Depending on if the car could get made road legal again it could get towed too.

[–] DV8 3 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

In Belgium at least they are required (reflectors aren't on all styles of bikes), problem is that cyclists often have battery powered lights which are not very bright to the point you could say they are not even working. And in my experience it really renders cyclists invisible at night until you almost run into them.

In that sense high-viz vests definitely help because they usually make them stand out more than even normal lights.

Ofcourse this is mostly needed in the places with no separate infrastructure and no street lights. (Edit: which is what the situation is in near where I live, the shortest route to bike is through farmlands with no infrastructure for bikes and no streetlight ms for sections of it. I'd personally love better and separate infrastructure since it's basically part of the reason why avoid biking there during the lang dark winter)

[–] DV8 1 points 3 weeks ago

Seems to be switching to gin tonic after that though

[–] DV8 4 points 4 weeks ago (2 children)

Putting it together and best possible track conditions? Verstappen also improved despite not getting a personal best sector 2.


Scholen krijgen nieuwe mogelijkheden om het lerarentekort aan te pakken, er komen premies voor wie een opleiding voor een knelpuntberoep volgt en ook korte celstraffen zullen daadwerkelijk worden uitgevoerd. Een overzicht van wat er allemaal verandert vanaf 1 september.


Interesting to see it really seems like everyone across the board used less and less energy.

What did you all change? Any specific tools or tricks?

Personally I didn't even change my heating level but just used the timers a lot more with sharper cutoffs. And I did use smart plugs between my media appliances and my pc to make sure they are off when I leave the house, as well as being less casual about turning off the lights in rooms that I'm not in. Compared to 2019 (so before more WFH) that's like a 20% savings on gas, and 15% on electricity for me.


"Vias analyseerde 100 pv's van ongevallen met gewonden in Brussel (2020). Het aantal ongevallen met elektrische step verviervoudigde, van 409 in 2020 naar 1.748 in 2022. Zowel in 2021 als in 2022 waren er vier doden bij de gebruikers."

Translated intro: Vias analyzed 100 PVs of accidents with injuries in Brussels (2020). The number of accidents involving electric scooters quadrupled, from 409 in 2020 to 1,748 in 2022. There were four fatalities among users in both 2021 and 2022.

Fryday Friday (self.belgium)
submitted 2 years ago by DV8 to c/belgium

It's friday already so let's start discussing something that hasn't been done here and discuss a couple of important questions. (or whatever else you want it's the chat topic after all)

  • What day is the correct day to eat fries from the frituur and why is it friday.
  • What do you order at the frituur?
  • Why are people who use frikandel weird and people who say lange hamburger clinically insane? Civilized folk use curryworst after all.

I know it's most likely a beginner question but it's what I am I suppose.

For extra context, I generally have about 6-10 hours to spend to game per week and I find I do enjoy the main quest but after spending a couple days only doing that it feels like I'm missing out by ignoring some of the side quests.

I only have 1 charachter so far and it's lvl35 at around the start of ACT2.

Will I lose out on powerlevel if I just try to get through the main quest first for now and look into doing sidequests afterwards? Am I making my life harder if I do sidequests first?

Right now I think I would like to be able to participate in the seasonal with a new class to try out, since it is still an expensive game and I want to feel like I experience more than just one class.

Rock Werchter 2023 (self.belgium)
submitted 2 years ago by DV8 to c/belgium

So who else is going. I'm too old to meet up with strangers. I used to be with it, but than they changed what it is. It'll happen to you!

What are you going to see and what gem do you recommend?

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