There are better ways of doing this such as this, or if you value your money, a chain.
An old game controller is still more reliable than your in-house button board
We found the rockstar developer
Isn't AWS S3 dirt cheap?
Weren't the occupants cremated instantly?
What does 'disown China' mean? Your ideological support changes nothing materially. I hate how much importance people put in ideological stances with no material impact.
The bow will, the melee weapons won't
Good old UNIX philosophy
Operating Systems are lame, I use butterflies like a real programmer
/TTTT/: not even once. Seriously, I think that site (and ovarit) have genuinely taken years off my life.
I don't know the full story but a lot of Lemmy devs/early adapters were Marxist-Leninists who kind of got drowned out by the more liberal Reddit users. I was a (very) passive lurker for a while so I only know a little bit of the story, namely that Lemmy used to be a lot further left. Someone who has been more engaged back then would be more helpful than I.
Ferrari did well in quals!?