Hint: Courtney Love
Did the app just update and change how this is done? I don't know how to switch accounts any more.
EDIT: Figured it out. Tap and hold on your profile name in the bottom centre of the screen.
Pizza Peacemaker. If you're with a bunch of people with varying tastes and want to order pizza, you open the app and pass your phone around. Each person in turn puts in what they like and how much they want to eat. At the end the app tells you what you should order and how you should split the bill.
"Sorry, we'll come back later when you're feeling better."
I guess that's just a factor of this being a non profit thing. A user-built social media platform doesn't have to do everything it can to retain user eyeballs for as many seconds a day as possible.
Why the fuck do these sexy dice have "sand"?
Maybe they've just got an ugly baby.
Completing the quest awards some Windows xp.
Thank you!
This is amazing. Source?
The Skyrim guard must have taken that arrow during a cutscene. Everyone knows cutscene damage hits different.
That's such a classic, perfect joke.