I wonder if there is a difference in direct buy, vs dealership. Since your only choice is what they have in the lot.
Even if we required video evidence, it would have a huge affect on the problem.
More annoying than just asking for a tip on in delivery or takeout, is asking for the tip first. At this point it is just a fee.
This is untrue. If they earn less than minimum after tips the business has to make it up. The first $5 an hour essentially go in the pocket of the owner.
Some countries have an automatic year or two driving ban for drunk driving. It’s time we did this for phones.
There is no need for a separate sound card now, it is built in.
Biden isn’t just old, he’s very old. Have you ever spent much time around an 85 year old? They may not be totally senile, but they are almost all losing language skills by this point. Pretty important skill for someone who speaks on behalf of their country.
Closer to 5 hours than 50. Easy to charge, but I could really do with two so I can swap quickly.
Quality and lag have no noticeable difference for me. Battery charge is more of an issue.
Have you considered going wireless?
I really wish there was a government program where you can simply opt out of categories of junk mail. I don’t need a mailbox full of catalogues trying to get me to buy stuff, credit offers, or “charities”.
Never said anything about whether I tip. Just that there is no such thing as earning below minimum wage legally. The same argument about minimum wage stands for any employee like a cashier, burger flipper etc.
You should probably go see someone about your anger issues.