
joined 2 years ago
[–] Crismus 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

The labor movement was a very bloody fight. Blair mountain, and Triangle Shirtwaist was a lot of death.

There were bombings during the Civil rights era, it wasn't just sit-ins. Lots of people died due to lunching.

Also anything during the 30's was filled with bodies due to the Geat Depression and fights like the Battle of Central Park.

Only when the President had enough bad blood did they decide to push changes against their own interests. No US political changes came without bloodshed.

[–] Crismus 4 points 2 weeks ago

I have plenty of guns and ammo to use for the defense of myself and family. As a disabled vet I can barely feed my family, let alone March alone from Colorado to overthrow the President.

When they come to me, then I can fight. I can't afford to join a secessionist movement because we still have a group of people that still are supposed to fight using the law and wors before the guns come out. The 1st Ammendment is 1st for a reason. The 2nd is the last resort which most sane gun owners don't want to have to use.

There's supposed to be an opposition party to fight the executive encroachment.

[–] Crismus 5 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Most people forget under the armpits. That was always a better option historically over the neck. Usually necks are protected by gorgets, but the armpit has to be flexible.

Can't cover the armpits with solid armor like chests and necks.

[–] Crismus 8 points 2 months ago

My stepmother was that way so I couldn't stand broccoli growing up. Most vegetables were blan and tasteless without salt and boiled.

I rarely buy them now because I can't physically handle cooking every day now. So most vegetables go bad in the fridge.

[–] Crismus 3 points 2 months ago

They didn't vote for Trump, they didn't vote for Harris. Trump didn't gain the voters, Harris lost millions of voters.

Democrats weren't going to vote for the Candidate who had no primary, was decided upon race/sexist promotion, and was unable to show definitive reasons why she would be ifferent than Biden.

Biden didn't win the last primary because of his personal votes, he won because all of the other candidates gave him their Primary votes after Super Tuesday to stop Bernie from being the nominee again.

The DNC was not supported this time because the Democrat voters were against the coronation of Kamala, but did vote down-ballot the Democrats. Voting wasn't a zero-sum choice, many people like me, didn't vote for a president because the DNC was being fascist about the candidate.

The DNC is no longer the party of the worker, it's the party of the bosses and bankers, with the Hollywood shills paid to support their Candidate. The people aren't owed their votes, the same way companies aren't owed a purchase when they make a product that customers don't want. We can't have a marketplace of ideas if the DNC blocks all other ideas.

[–] Crismus 3 points 3 months ago

The 2A solution is when there's no hope of peace. You really don't want them to remove the last option.

The 1st is so people can talk and work through differences. When he only thing left is to use the 2nd, nothing will put the Republic back together the same way.

If Congress, Supreme Court, or the Executive find a way to close the 2nd Amendment down. Then there's no way for the people to fight against complete Tyranny when the time comes.

Home-grown insurgencies nearly always win. The US has never been able to win against them, just like Israel can't win against Palestine. Insurgencies can only be negotiated with and always stop once freedom or rights are acknowledged.

[–] Crismus 3 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Damn straight. That's the same thing I tell people when I was asked if I was going to try to leave the US.

I may be disabled, but I swore to defend the Constitution from foreign and domestic threats. It's not just the racist and homophobic people who have firearms. When the time comes, the quiet people will show up to help.

[–] Crismus 3 points 4 months ago

They're underfunded mainly because Congress would rather spend money through SpaceX instead of NADA, because they can make money from SpaceX and other private goons. NASA benefits all Americans, which is just Communism...

[–] Crismus 3 points 4 months ago

Bedbugs in executive offices is best. Make them feel the pain.

[–] Crismus 1 points 4 months ago

I moved to Linux Mint after a brief stint with Manjaro. I don't prefer the Cinnamon interface, but gaming has been perfect. Bottles, allows me to install GOG Galaxy and the games run. I even modded Skyrim using a manual process and a ton of animation mods, that worked alright a lot of times with Vortex ( for the most part).

Linux can handle NTFS partitions, and just take a small line to fix if they are open during a crash. Flatpak software is really stable to install and keep installed.

I haven't yet had a problem with steam games.

The only problem I have is with streaming services forcing Windows usage, so I got a VPN and raised the Jolly Roger to watch streaming services.

My 3080 plays games fine, and the few times it got a little slow I rebooted and it all worked fine. Discord calls and Twitch work fine. I even take my VA Online appointments with no issues.

It's closer to going back to Windows 7 or XP, with a decent free office software.

[–] Crismus 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

You cannot assume that all the people unable to evacuate were obstinate religiously minded conservatives. Very few people have the means to leave their residence when the time comes.

Not everyone owns a vehicle. Not everyone can walk their way out of the path of a storm. What about all the people left in nursing homes. Katrina saw a lot of people forced to stay. Unless there are no homeless people in that section of Florida, I'm ptlretty sure there a lot more forced to stay than those who choose to stay.

Letting everyone die isn't a good way to get people to learn and change their minds.


So glad I have to wait three days after buying a shotgun. It's amazing how much of a deterrent the new Visa Gun Registry, waiting list, and age restrictions are.

I really love jumping through hopes to exercise my rights. Hey, maybe next they will make me log into my citizens portal that monitors all of my online use just in case there is a chance to catch the next 1:99999999 terrorist that isn't a part of a three letter agencies.

Colorado is such a big freedom loving state.

/s if it wasn't obvious.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by Crismus to c/quackers

Finally I have something to post.

I tried to capture both ducks upside down eating. Found this funny.

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